Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.4.3 APK - Updated: November 07, 2017
Kvíz podle známého TV pořadu. Hra pro 1-3 hráče, pravidelná aktualizace otázek.
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: November 07, 2017
Mine Shaft is a sliding block puzzle, or sliding tile puzzle with a combination memory game that challenges a player to slide pieces along certain routes so that a Miner could successfully exit the Mine.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 07, 2017
Become the manager of a national triathlon team. Negotiate contracts with your sponsors, hire coaches and invest in technology to develop your gears.Set up training and peaking to bring your triathletes to the highest levels of performance at the right time.Take part in over 50 triathlon events...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: November 07, 2017
Nuotrauka iš sedano sceną grįžta į Old West. Įsivaizduokite, jūs ten dabar eisi, apsižvalgyti ir pamatyti žmonių kortavimas grupę. Jūs manote, kad jie būtų žaisti pokerį, bet pasirinkimo žaidimas buvo iš tikrųjų žaidimas vadinamas Faras! Jei norite, kad žaisti šį populiarus...
Version: 1.1.04 APK - Updated: November 07, 2017
RBhasha hindi - tai geriausia programa, skirta vaikams mokytis hindi kalbos, dar niekada nebuvo taip lengva ir linksmiau. „RBhasha“ yra programa, skirta 3–8 metų vaikams mokytis hindi kalbos. Vaikai mokosi skaityti ir rašyti hindi balses (हिन्दी स्वर वर्ण), hindi...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: November 07, 2017
Load your guns! Rain death from above! Protect your valuable orphans! Defeat giant, improbable bosses! Gunhouse is part puzzle, part active tower defense, as you make big combos to launch a hail of bullets and special attacks at the alien invaders who would like nothing better than to consume your...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
Stranger Roads - 3D GAME80's Themed Retro Game ! OVER 1 MILLION PLAYERS WORLDWIDE!Multiplayer Coming Soon **NO COPYRIGHT WITHIN THIS APP, NOT AFFILIATED WITH Stranger Things Or NETFLIX**
Version: 3 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
Gundo an action and adventure game that is a not only for kids’ game, but for all ages that everybody would love.Help Gundo avoid tumbling while he jumps from platform to platform while earning a high score.The player need to tap the screen for Gundo to avoid tumbling while he jumps from platform...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
Таблица сложения и вычитания в пределах 20 в одном приложении.Игра поможет ребенку не только проверить свое умение решать примеры, но и познакомит его с...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
This Thanksgiving Jumping Turkey game is a lovley created endless jump and run & endless runner game.You have to jump from fruit to fruit with lovely looking turkeys.If you are bored at thanksgiving days, this thanksgiving jumping turkey game will safe you!It is not only one more of a endless...
Version: 19 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
Pasirodė virusas, kuris žudo žmones. Dėl to beveik visi žmonės pradėjo maištauti, apiplėšti, nužudyti. Pasaulis nėra toks, koks buvo anksčiau. Buvo privačių kompanijų, norinčių išgydyti virusą, žmonės, vykdantys nežmoniškus eksperimentus. ir parduoti juos už didžiulius...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
▼▼PLEASE READ RECOMMENDED DEVICES SECTION BEFORE PURCHASING▼▼The first console-quality smartphone shooter! Glide with silky smooth controls through a sea of bullets!SLASH THROUGH THE BULLET RAIN in this gripping vertical arcade-style bullet hell shooting game!AKA TO BLUE■■ SLASH THROUGH...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
How well do you know your Music Trivia? Test your music knowledge in The Music Trivia Challenge!**** Includes Android TV!!! ******* NO Ads, NO In-App Purchases EVER ***Music Trivia has never been so much fun. Challenge yourself or have a Music Trivia night with friends and family in Party Mode!...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
Do toys or terrorists kill more people? Murder or suicide? In a deadly game of solitaire, you are asked to rank mortality risks from small to large. This game uses real statistics about real risks. Warning: play leads to real knowledge about risk from plane crashes, heart disease, and snake bite....
Version: v1.202 APK - Updated: November 06, 2017
Choose your own adventure: rule your kingdom of prosperity... or ruins.A vast campaign is waiting for you. Play through 15 story packs, 150 unique set of events and over half a million possible event variations. Steer your kingdom through world's historical development, seize the opportunities,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Creators of Blyss and UNWYND bring you their next title, Neo Angle.Neo Angle is a minimal puzzle game inspired by retro visuals, neon artstyle and 80s Synth music, developed by Yan Sokalau and folks at Dropout Games.Experience Neo Angle's polished, mind-bending, minimal puzzles with 75+ levels...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Įspėjimas! Labai addicting žaidimas!Šiame paprastame žaidime jūs norite perkelti plyteles ir gauti 2k!Nebijokite klysti savo kelyje į pergalę - turėsite puikią galimybę atšaukti nesėkmingus judesius!Išbandykite šį žaidimą ir negalėsite nustoti žaisti! Manome, kad šis žaidimas...
Version: 2.2.2 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Propbox is an easy to use app that calculates your Craps bets with a press of the screen. Enter any dollar amount and press the screen to see what that bet would pay.Don't be afraid of getting under paid. Propbox can instantly figure even improper bets so you never have to worry about dealer...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Become in a loopy football referee and take the craziest decisions!The game includes:- Red and yellow cards.- Whistle.- Level up system to discover new penalties.- Witty and random penalties to have fun with your kids!NOTE: Crazy Referee PRO game is completely free of advertising.
Version: 3.0.05 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Infilttrokite karinių tyrimų laboratoriją, sąmokslą su velniu ir medžiokite demonus! tobulas konsolės stiliaus slaptas veiksmo žaidimas * Pagrindinis atnaujinimas (2.0 versija) !! * Nauji lygiai: paskutinis skyrius išleistas (Iki 46 etapų) * „GameController“ palaikė Kali,...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Backcountry Ski is a 3D skiing game with 24 trails of increasing difficulty set in the Sierra Nevada, the Alps, and the Himalayas. Ski down the mountain following smoke to your camp. Watch out for trees, cliffs, and avalanches. Your health goes down with each crash and with passing time.
Version: 2.18 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Žaiskite „Open Face“ kinų pokerį tradiciniu būdu arba ananasų variantais, kur galite pamatyti daugiau kortelių ir išmesti tas, kurių nenorite. Už dar daugiau įvairovės pridėkite „Joker Wild“ kortelę. Dabar yra nemokama versija (pažiūrėkite į daugiau šio kūrėjo...
Version: 1.7.0 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Ar jums patinka groti galvosūkius ir psichinius iššūkius? , tada jūs tiesiog mylėsite matematiką! Mathagon sujungia mįslingą taktiką su matematinėmis lygtimis ir kelia didžiausią iššūkį jums susitikti. IT tai. lengva išmokti, tačiau tik ryškiausi protai galės konkuruoti...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 05, 2017
Kaip gerai žinai savo smulkmenas? Pasitikrink savo žinias „The Ultimate Trivia Challenge“!**** Su Android TV!!! ****Smulkmenos dar niekada nebuvo tokios smagios. Meskite iššūkį sau arba praleiskite smulkmenų vakarą su draugais ir šeima vakarėlio režimu! Pasirinkite iš...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: November 04, 2017
Build your dump from what you find."Vsraty World" is a game about building where you have to build your ... dump. The game has an intuitive interface and in the future there will be many updates.* The game may not work on devices with less than 1 GB of RAM (this problem is already being...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 04, 2017
628/5000 Išmokykite savo vaikus sveikos mitybos svarbą smagiai. Šis žaidimas yra idealus vaikams nuo 3 iki 10 metų. Žaidimo pradžioje, sprogimas Iš pradžių mėsainių, jūs turite vengti, kad mėsainiai pasiektų apatinį galą, kad išvengtų „Garfield Fatening“. Pridėkite 5...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: November 04, 2017
šnipinėti savo oponentų pokerio korteles. Ar norite susitarti dėl mažo kaupimo dienos internetinio pokerio, tačiau matote jį sunkiai: jūs daug pavargote ir padarote daug klaidų? Tai siūlo puikų metodą Spręskite ilgo turnyro psichinę įtampą, turi skaitinę įvesties kortelę, ...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 04, 2017
The official Stave House appThis app will help you to understand music theory easily using the Stave House system.This app includes 6 educational mini games and 2 fun games in Dunstan's arcade!find out more about Stave House on the website:
Version: 1 APK - Updated: November 04, 2017
Pajuskite, kaip yra važiuoti drakono gale, kai lenktyniojate per žiedus, ir sudeginkite per aplinkos dalis. Dabar galite naudoti savo „Daydream“ ausines, norėdami pakilti per keletą svaiginančių aplinkų, tyrinėdami įvairias „Dragon“ sferas. Atidžiai žiūrėkite lenktyniaudami ir...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 04, 2017
This is a most challenging game concerning the flight of a determined helicopter to overcome any obstacle that comes its way! Avoid crashing on the walls and falling down on the grass as it will cost the helicopter's life. It is much harder than it seems but playing this game will certainly be...