Játékok Fizetett Android Ingyen

Játékok Fizetett Android Ingyen
Version: 1.0.15 APK - Updated: October 25, 2017
The year is 3016 and Pandas are now the dominant species of planet Earth. They have evolved to the point where they no longer require oxygen and can freely jetpack through the Universe without the need for cumbersome space suits and/or space ships. Amongst this God-like species exists one Panda in...
Version: 1.1.9 APK - Updated: October 25, 2017
Test your skill and logic playing against computer in Hearts! • Hearts is a very popular card game.• The flexible AI adjusts to any player.• Easy-to-use, responsive controls.• Three levels of difficulty• HistoryThe goal of Hearts is to have the lowest score at the end of the game. You...
Version: 1.03.005 APK - Updated: October 25, 2017
Real Car Parking Simulator 16 Pro – An Ultimate Gaming Experience in 2018 for the Drivers Who Dare to Challenge Their Parking SkillsPlay without limits - no ads, no fuel restrictions.Download Real Car Parking Simulator 16 Pro from GOOGLE PLAY and enjoy a full of excitement with action packed...
Version: 1.1.9 APK - Updated: October 25, 2017
Test your skill and logic in game of Spades! • Spades is a very popular card game.• The flexible AI adjusts to any player.• Easy-to-use, responsive controls.• Three levels of difficulty• HistoryThe goal of Spades is to reach 500 points with your team. Players sitting opposite each other...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Egy igazán édes játék a kibővített valóság számára, hogy élvezze ezt a Halloween! Keresse meg a ládákat körülötted, és gyűjtse össze az összes cukorkát #} Arcore -val készült. kompatibilis a pixel, a pixel XL, a Samsung Galaxy S8 és az S8 -val
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Links Fusion is a relaxing minimal puzzle game with a peaceful ambient mood. It’s a simple story about connecting fields by blending and matching colors. If you like puzzles give it a try⬤ ⬤ ⬤⬤ ⬤ ⬤⬤ ⬤ ⬤
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Ugrás egy csodálatos addiktív és pihentető játék új kalandjába. #fast #sima #HD grafika #szinte minden országhoz és Android felbontáshoz elérhető
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Hello to all. I am Russian storekeeper and I made Android game. It is simplest game in the World. I don't know how to add AD (because I am stupid), and that's why this app haven't AD. It's free because only crazy people will be pay for this app.How to play:The game continues only if...
Version: APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Anita at Andres sa Kusina (Anita and Andres in the Kitchen) is an interactive Filipino-English bi-lingual storybook for children 8 years old and below. It is part of the Adventures of Anita and Andres bi-lingual storybook series which teaches children not only the Filipino and English languages but...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Tesztelje készség a NinjaKat! Nézd meg, lehet keresni a legmagasabb pontszámot, amit ne és a fröccs veszélyek keresztül annyi hullámai, mint te.NinjaKat hibajel egy egyszerű, mégis gyors tempójú shooter felvázoló egy Ninja Cat - a NinjaKat, aki mozog, ugrik, és dobja Ninja csillagok...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Mutassa be a sajtot egy gyors akciójátékot, amely a telefonban vagy a táblagépen lévő mozgási érzékelőket használja. A játék játék ugyanolyan egyszerű, mint az eszköz döntése olyan irányba, amellyel kedveli az egeret. 8 különféle macska, hogy elkerülje és különböző...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Nekouzan egy macska, aki szereti az ásást. Shes pletykákat hallott a mélyen a föld alatt eltemetett kincsről, de a hely tele van veszélyes bombákkal. A Shellnek az állati ösztöneit kell használnia, hogy minden áron elkerülje őket! Segítsen neki elérni a labirintus végét!...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Il classico solitario con carte napoletane. Consapevoli delle piccole ossessioni del solitarista è possibile ripetere l' ultimo solitario.Lo scopo del gioco è raccogliere le carte in ordine crescente suddivise per seme.Dal mazzo coperto si estraggono le carte una alla volta.Ogni carta va...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
The band members of Little Car are on a run! Help em' jump over instruments and things! To explore WACKY locations! Play as Aidan, Cooper, or Jacob ! Controls: Jump - Tap the screenChange band member - Hold down on band member on the start screenRestart - Tap the screen after hit
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
A játék tanulni olvasni a szótagok az olasz nyelvet. Hallgassa meg a kérdést, és bemutatja a megfelelő szótag! A mosolygó arc minden helyes válasz, egy szomorú arc minden rossz válasz. Nyerj egy csésze minden öt helyes választ. A bemutatott szótag állnak mássalhangzóra majd egy...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
Reloj digitalFormato de 12 y 24 horasCronómetroDistancia recorridaFechaMedidor de bateríaRitmo cardiacoClima localMultiples colores
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2017
"He haerenga" (A trip away) is an interactive Te Reo Māori app for kids and their caregivers.Visit different locations, such as a mountain, beach, river and farm.Drag and drop each object or creature to hear their name read out to you.Included are words such as Pakoko puaheiri (Snowman),...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
It is a sudoku game with minimalist design.Sudoku has four levels and three control modes.It supports both English and Chinese(Simplified & Traditional).
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
12 teljes interaktív klasszikus gyermektörténetet tartalmaz, amelynek angol hangja van, így gyermekei hagyják, hogy a képzeletük vadul futjon, és új szavakat és szókincset tanuljon. Oktatási játék a klasszikus tündérmesékkel 3-10 éves gyerekeknek. átadhatja a leveleket, mintha...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
Never pull numbers again! Never change numbers again! Never speak / read / say again! ** This is not a stand-alone game, but a program to support the performance of bingo events / evenings ** Particularities: - Display the currently drawn bingo number and the last 3 bingo numbers - Display all...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
Horror Scary 3D -s játék, detektív szerepet játszik a kastély elmenekülésére, nyomokat találni és kivizsgálni. Tartsa be a lámpákat, amikor az idő elfogy, és a szörnyek támadnak. Ön egy olyan nyomozó szerepében, aki megpróbál megtalálni egy elveszett lányt. Fedezze fel a...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
Collect All The Coins And Jump All The Way To GOAL!
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
Jump Into The Beehive But Watch Out For The Bees! Perfect Health = Perfect Score!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
If you like to play platformers then you should not miss it. Travel through the levels to find all the treasures avoiding obstacles and traps on the way. What else do you need to become the greatest adventurer of all time?Features:- 30 handcrafted adventure levels- Simple controlling- Beautiful...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
-박스키우기2 유료버전은 무료보다 더많은 컨텐츠와 전용 박스가 있습니다 그점 알아주시길 바랍니다.-(그냥 간단하게 말해서 현질버전)박스키우기가 출시 했습니다!!!간단한 조작법, 방치형 노가다게임입니다!그냥 단순하게...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
O desafio agora é ajudar o gatinho Yuki a achar o tesouro dentro da caverna assombrada. Mas cuidado com os esqueletos piratas que adoram aparecer!Então, estão preparados para praticar a subtração e encarar essa aventura assustadora?
Version: 2.31 APK - Updated: October 23, 2017
Проходи уровни и получай монетки! За них можно купить разную одежду для квадрата!Уровни бывают разные: на ловкость, на логику, на смекалку и т.д. ! Играй вместе с...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 22, 2017
QoQo love your attention! Simple running on the farm is not enough. They are always ready to smile for the picture. Now it's time for You to make it!- observe, stay calm and wait for the right moment- capture unusual chicken meetings- unlock different QoQo characters- watch your amazing album...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 22, 2017
Get into the action with the most addictive Bible game ever!- Aim with your finger, release to fire. It's that easy!The PRO version adds a short game against the clock, as well as no advertisements - just inspirational quotes.Fire balls and bounce off Bible books, to reduce their chapters to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 22, 2017
Puzzle Game Have Fun