Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Is u op soek na n interessante ringe -legkaart -arcade -speletjie? Lord of Rings 2 is n legkaart -arcade -ringe vir u! Dit is eenvoudig as tic tac -tone -spel. Kenmerke van Lord of Rings 2: 1. Rangskik die ringe van dieselfde kleur in n reguit lyn om die bord skoon te maak. 2. U kan n klein...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Prettige en verslawende mobiele weergawe van Ekstar 2048 -speletjie en die mees perfekte 2048 -nommerpuzzelspel vir Android! Hoe om te speel: Swipe (op, af, links, regs) om die teëls te skuif. As twee teëls met dieselfde getal aanraking is, smelt hulle in een saam. Wanneer 2048 teël geskep...
Version: 117 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
You go through a maze moving constantly.Updated and ready to finish.
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Игра Данбол была придумана Валерием Данильчук в 2012 году. Автору игры удалось объединить изящество гольфа с точностью бильярда и создать принципиально новый вид...
Version: 5.2 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
☆ Top 1 avontuurlike spel in die Noorse appstore. Week 31 -2012☆ Top 4 aksiespel in die Noorse appstore. Week 31 - 2012Brutal Metal musiek, uitputtende spel, ongelooflike power-ups en donker grafika. 'N Grimmige Black Metal-speletjie!U volg die verhaal van 'n man wat uit die lig vlug en...
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Guide the orange square through 20 creative levels in only little time. The controls are changing every few seconds, sometimes entire levels are rotating and other obstacles are waiting for you. The game is difficult but fair. Fun & frustration guaranteed ;) Since this is the pro-version it...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Play through Puzzles, Matching Games, Word Builders and so much more to hear some of the stories of the Book of Mormon. This App will continue to be updated and new games added each month to tell more stories and to continue to deliver fun content for us and our children. No adds, No in app...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
duik in n onvergeetlike ervaring. aan wal en buitelandse mededingende sportsoort van seilwedrenne. Plaas plaaslike vs ander regte spelers Ghost Sailboats. speel aanlyn (multiplayer) vs regte spelers. periodiek nuwe seilwedrenpaadjies. beveel n seilboot tydens n seilwedren, durf u dit...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Needs to clear as soon as possible with all the bricks by throwing the ball, do not leave your ball down then you will loose the game. Once you clear all the blocks then will promote to the next level... there are lots of fun and challenges play and post your score and levels..
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Dit is n unieke tik -spel om die vyande te vernietig en die gyselaars te red. U sal 3 lewe kry om die gyselaars tussen u te red, sal lewensmag kry om meer lewens te kry. Vyande kom stadig in die eerste stadium dat hulle geen idee van die paaie het nie, daarna het hulle vinnig gekom en u moet aan...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
N Versameling boeke, videos en minigames van Halloween -temas, met verskillende meganika, van legkaarte tot sorteer- en geheuespeletjies. Die gatinhoud is ontwerp vir kinders om pret te hê en te leer terwyl hulle speel.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Die karnaval is in die stad! Kom saam met Max en Ruby terwyl hulle 4 opwindende speletjies op die Carnival Fair speel. Verdien kaartjies en gebruik dit om speelgoed en pryse van die TV -program te ontsluit. * Wees vinnig en tik op die lastige vreemdelinge voordat die tyd opraak! * Smash die...
Version: 2.3.0 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Verze bez časového limitu, 1500 otázek. Otestujte své vědomosti v českém kvízu kde na Vás čeká přes 2500 otázek ve třech úrovních obtížnosti, a další otázky budou připraveny v pravidelných aktualizacích. Využijte tři žolíky jako nápovědu, popřípadě získejte...
Version: 1.61 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Parents track your kids, kids track your candy and together, let’s build and foster a safe community of Trick or Treaters this Halloween. Halloween is an exciting time for children and families alike. Parents want to ensure it is a fun and safe experience for their kids and neighbors; thus, our...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 19, 2017
Управляй тучкой и уничтожай шарики при помощи молний. А также улучшай свои молнии.
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Flip is a timed card memory game. When starting a level, there's a red bar on top of the screen that shows how much time you have left.Click the Green cards to see what symbol they uncover and try to find the matching symbol underneath the other cards.Uncover two matching symbols in a row to...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Champion Go is 'n Go (ook genoem as Igo, Baduk of Weiqi) speletjie, aangedryf deur Crazy Stone.Het ons 'Engine Server Game' opgegradeer na die Deep Learning-weergawe! (Intekening word vereis)-------------------------------------------------- - Champion Go is 'n Go-toepassing van...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Grandma's garden needs a little work! Join Max and Ruby as they dig in to give Grandma a lending hand. You can plant seeds, water them, and even provide them with sunshine as you try and grow them into juicy berries and wholesome vegetables. And watch out for those pesky pests! Swat away...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Die spel is beskikbaar vir jou smartphone of tablet vir gratis:ër Laer is baie eenvoudig kaartspel. Jou doel is om die volgende kaart dink as dit hoër of laer sal wees. Probeer om hulle almal te raai!
Version: 2.7 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Веселая бомба FULL versionЭто - полная версия приложения (доступны все игровые уровни, задания и конкурсы)ТЕПЕРЬ БЕСПЛАТНО!!!Внимание, работа над приложением больше не...
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
※ 미연시 '나와 그녀와 그녀와 그녀의 건전하지 못한 관계'는 히로인 루트가 있는 연애 시뮬레이션 게임으로 원작과는 다른 멀티 엔딩을 볼 수 있습니다!※ 히로인들과 연애를 하며 원작과는 다른 매력적인...
Version: 0.8.17 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
"B-Grade Renegade: Race to the Rocket" is a strategic action roguelike with procedural level generation and permadeath! This game is recommended for the following level of phones & tablets, or higher:* Google Pixel* HTC One M10* Samsung Galaxy S7* Huawei Mate 9* etc.THE SCENARIOYou...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
Toets u snelheid teen u vriende! botsingswaardes om te sien wie die beter swaardvegter is! Kyk na oulike chibi -sprites terwyl hulle dit beveg!
Version: 0.6.18 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
The whole planet is for sell. In Real Estate, the only thing matter is money. Own many estates, wait, and sell it at the right time to maximize your profit. Complete objectives to unlock new level. Features:- 10 Different levels with different rules.- 50+ 3D rendered estates.- Shared resource....
Version: 0.2.5 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
BeWHEELdering is a relatively simple, yet somewhat challenging 2D arcade-style sorting game, in which you control a Jeep driven by James Jeeply, who has been tasked with sorting wheels into the correct Wheel Sorting Outlet.All other items must be sorted into Trash Sorting Outlets (or picked up, if...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
Pulsar IntrudersAre you ready to save your home against intruders? You have to shoot all alien enemies and asteroids. But in this game very important to find your own successful tactics. Just the shooting not will be enough. The last level is an classic epic boss fight.42 unique level
Version: 1.6.5 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
Hra až pro tři hráče, tématické otázky, pravidelná aktualizace otázek.
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
'N bose heks het Victoria se ouers ontvoer en nou is dit tot haar om hulle te red! Maar eers, Victoria moet die fyn kuns van die magie te leer.Duik in 'n magiese wêreld van hekse en towenaars. Reis deur die magiese land, ontspannende musiek en help Victoria versamel unieke items saam haar...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
Dracula in Paris, by the makers of Birdy - Candy Wrecker and Lighted Mirror!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Play a captivating game of Dracula in Paris. This is a beautiful running game in 2D where you become the famous...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
Jump to get points!How to Play Dog Game:- Tap to make Dog Jump- Avoid any obstacles