유료 안드로이드 게임
Version: 1 APK - Updated: September 06, 2017
Now ads will not bother you! You can have the car you like free of charge. In the traffic, enjoy racing with beautiful cars. With the Real Car Simulator game you will see how much fun the judge will be. You can earn money by crossing the vehicles in the traffic. This may force you a little bit. But...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 06, 2017
This is a set of strategy, adventure, puzzle as one of the single game, without the network,In the game, you can operate a hero with simple program instructions,You need to flexibly use program instructions to avoid danger, to operate objects, and to avoid death,Eventually complete the assigned...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
Multi-Card Keno is here, an exciting variation of Casino Video Keno with the ability of playing up to 20 cards at once for the ultimate jackpot payouts.Similar to the Casino version with the same odds and payouts, Multi Card Keno is a simple game to understand, as it works like a lottery; pick a...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
Pixel Cup Soccer 16은 아직 최고의 모바일 복고풍 축구 게임이 될 수 있습니다! - 포켓 게이머 Pixel Cup Soccer 16은 멋진 아케이드 축구 게임입니다 - 터치 아케이드 게임 영상과 음악은 내가 자랐을 때 연주 한 모든 레트로 축구...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
Little Jenny has thrown the paper plane in the air a long time ago. Now the little poor paper plane is stuck and lost in the endless space! Help it survive as long as possible and avoid the dangerous obstacles in this endless tap tap adventure jumper. This combination of bouncing and jumping arcade...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
【About PokerRealm】PokerRealm includes 31 single-player and 47 multiplayer poker games from all over the world. The aim of this game is to bring happiness to you whenever you need. 【Suggestions】At barbecues, picnics, family parties and so on, the novel and funny multiplayer poker games will...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
광고 없음, 더 나은 경험! ------------------------------------ 중요 : 금이 간 이미지를 제거하려면 , SoftCrack-Cracked Screen 앱을 다시 열거 나 설정 화면 (기어 휠)으로 이동하여 상단 옵션에서 깨진 이미지를 선택 취소하십시오. ...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
Are your ready to a new experience in Remote Control for mobile? Real RC Flight Simulator 2017 is the most epic and realistic radio & remote control simulator in the mobile scene!In this amazing Real Remote Flight Simulator you will have the opportunity to fly with the most epic helicopters,...
Version: 1.24 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
Enter the dark space of GridVR and experience classic games in gripping VR style. Bring your reaction and creativity to a new level by shooting at objects in shorter periods of time. Shoot flashing fields from all directions and experience all-new classic games like "Snake" or...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
Splat mosquitoes in this addictive and fun game for all age groups. This is perfect to pass the time trying to get a high score to brag to your friends.
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
미용실에 4 마리의 농장 동물을 환영합니다! 키티, 토끼, 개 및 고양이와 함께 어린이 좋아하는 화장 게임을 플레이하십시오. 스타일, 디자인, 색상 및 농장에서 가장 귀여운 동물과 함께 많은 재미를 가지고 있습니다! 푸른...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
동일한 확률과 지불금을 가진 카지노 게임을 기반으로, 상단 하단 Keno는 다른 변형을 배우고 플레이 할 수있는 가장 단순한 카지노 비디오 케노 게임 중 하나입니다. 재생은 쉽습니다. 1에서 4 크레딧까지 베팅을 한 다음...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
What is black hole?What's inside a black hole?What does the inside of a black hole look like?What would happen if you fell into a black hole?How time becomes space inside a black hole?For answering to these ultimate questions of the universe,We created a ultimate virtual reality experience...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
Monsters and plagues pour out of the mysterious Black Tower. Forest nymph Mari and her partner, a young amnesiac named Abbie, must gather a band of heroes to scale the tower and uncover its secrets as it threatens to end all life on earth.---Mari and the Black Tower is a throwback to classic JRPGs...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
SMARTdeck. Practicing Mental Addition is a card game intended to improve and practice the addition of numbers mentally. This exercise requires mental addition while remembering the sums until deriving the final result.HOW TO PLAY:1. Ask someone to think of of a number beetween 1-31, and not to say...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
* Uses the proven Method of teaching Phonics* Easy-to-use, child-friendly interface* High-quality sounds* Best Pictures to explain the word* Books to read * Encouraging environment* Can Create Your Own Lists* Fully Customizable.* Very Interactive – provides spoken InstructionsThis app is like an...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
- 15 Levels- 2 Octaves to play- Survival mode with infinite random notes!Song list:- Mozart Symphony No40- Menuet BWV Anh. 114- Beethoven Symphony No5Learn new songs or remember random notes sequences? It is your choice, find out how many notes can you remember.
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
In this game you have to save people from the building on fire by catching them in the stretcher as they fall and move them to the ambulance. But be careful, it gets harder as you catch more people!Some extra features will be added soon.
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: September 04, 2017
Take one dose of stealth and one dose of comedy and what do you get? The most entertaining stealth game around.Play as the “Granny” as you help her navigate her way out the hospital passed nurses, doctors, infected patients in order to get to her grandchild's birthday party. Using various...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
Are you a fan of the classic Invader? Want to relive the experience of shooting down those little space ships? Enjoy playing a hard game, with a real sense of progress? Want to destroy waves of enemies, and challenging bosses? If so, welcome to Galactic Shooter, now with glowing neon...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
Educational game for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten age kids. children will learn about abc alphabet while playing game - Easy to playCredit: Music Provided by Bensound.com
Version: 2.3.2 APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
The Ultimate Fantasy Auction Draft! Run a live fantasy auction with ease! Android connectivity to Big Time Fantasy Sports' Player Auction software. You can now use your smart phone in place of the FATBox pushbutton during your fantasy sports auction draft. The Player Auction software is...
Version: 1.3.07 APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
이 독특한 엔터테인먼트 심에서 대학 농구 코치가 되십시오! 실제로 College Bball Coach를 엔터테인먼트 SIM이라고 부를 수 있습니다. 당신은 당신의 팀을 관리하고, 새로운 플레이어를 모집하고, 20 개 이상의 연습 훈련을하고,...
Version: 1.25 APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
이 아기 기차 3D의 프리미엄 버전입니다.아기 기차 3D 소개 :이 기차의 아름다운 3D 게임이다. 그것은 신중 주로 아기 (삼년 +)와 아이들을 위해 설계되었습니다. 그러나, 너무 모든 가족을 위해 중대하다 (연령 제한!).아기 기차...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 03, 2017
경기 3 퍼즐 스타일 게임에서 Zen에서 일련의 동일한 상징을 만들고 차분한 분위기를 조성하십시오. 매일 걱정을 남기고 조각을 평화롭게 떨어 뜨려 휴식을 취하십시오. 일본의 진정과 고요한 분위기에 의해 쫓겨납니다. *...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
증강 현실 게임은 게임의 스크린 샷에서 볼 수있는 특정 그림과 만 작동합니다 (그림 https://yadi.sk/i/iw1jcd9x3mwkfy). 당신은 편리한 곳에서 그녀의 사진을 인쇄합니다 (손이 어떻게되는지 알려주세요). 게임을 실행하고, 난이도를...
Version: 1.55 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
이 초현실적 축구 시뮬레이션에서 경영진의 다년생 경쟁자가되도록 축구 팀을 안내하십시오. 귀하는 서명, 제도 및 거래 플레이어에서 팀 라인업 및 Gameday 전략 설정에 이르기까지 모든 통제력이 있습니다. 또한 코치와...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
거실에서 증강 현실 전투에서 적과 싸우십시오. 이 증강 현실 앱을 사용하면 적을 집으로 가져간 다음 그가 나타났습니다! 이것은 점진적으로 더 어려워지는 적 공격의 파도가있는 파도 기반 방어 형식입니다. 스케일링 기능을...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
Run and Kill, but be careful, monsters are dangerous. Paladin Rush is a hardcore runner based on the run and slash principle developed on unity. Game Features: -No Pop-up or Banner Ads -Compare Score with Remaining Players in Leader-boards -One touch controls: Touch to block with the shield and...