Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: APK - Updated: August 12, 2017
This game is purely an entertainment and brain relieving game & can be played again and again and again without any boring effect. This game being a puzzle game, it makes brain to concentrate and thus increases the concentration power.Each level is different from other level. The various levels...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 12, 2017
Mängukeskus on 4 levinud populaarse mängu ja rakenduse kogumik ning on reklaam tasuta. See rakendus sisaldab 4 erinevat rakendust ja mängu. Kõigi 4 mängu hulka kuuluvad (joonistuspadi) (Color Twitch) (viktoriinimäng) (CC). See rakendus maksab ainult 1 dollarit, kuna see on reklaamivaba.
Version: 0.54b APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Erinevused tasuta versioonist lihtsalt 0,99 dollari eest, saate täiendava kaaslase ustava koera, lülitage kõik mängu reklaamid välja ja ei lase arendajatel näljast zombideks muutuda. Tutvuge zombie apokalüpsisega! Saage zombie jahimeheks ja elage zombie sissetungis. zic: zombie linnas...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
It's October. Outside it's wet and stormy.Ready for a short break?Actually, you only wanted to fly to the south for a few days.With Susi, your colleague from the service department.The brunette goddess with a dreamlike body.But Bateson Junior, the adoptive son of the boss, want's to...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Tumble Tots Fun Adventures is based on the Tumble Tots animation episode Jungle Adventure, that sends our adorable Tumble Tots characters TT, Spike, Jo Jo, Leesey and Jack their cute little puppy into a magical jungle where they meet and help an elephant puzzle tied up in a knot, three speckled...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Mit der Welt der Zahl Uhrzeit-App üben die Kinder spielerisch den Umgang mit analogen und digitalen Uhren.Hierzu bietet die App Spiele mit verschiedenen Aufgaben:1. Die Uhr nach vorgegebenen Uhrzeiten stellen.2. Uhrzeiten ablesen.3. Zeitspannen berechnen: „Wie viel Zeit ist vergangen?“4....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Welcome puzzle players! Are you ready to stimulate your brain? If you said yes, this 2D ball drop puzzle will put your thinking skills to work.The Adventure:This 2D ball drop puzzle game features beautiful, imaginative worlds where your ball is in a complete free fall. Each ball has its own...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Paid_App_2 v2
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Looge naljakad juukselõiked ja õppige, millised beebiloomad munadest kooruvad! Hoolitsege super armsate vastsündinute loomade eest ja mängige loominguliste tüdrukute ja poiste jaoks parimaid juuksurisalongi mänge! beebipingviin, öökull, papagoi ja kilpkonn kooruvad munadest! Koristage...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Jalgpalli plahvatused platvormimine = head ajad ********* Mängud Sporting, Arcade ja Action koostisosad sulanduvad kiiresti ahvatlevaks maapähklivõi ja moosi võileivakogemuseks, mis tähendab Et see ei peaks töötama, aga nii on. See on väga lõbus. - EuroGamer BLAST -pallid rõõmsalt...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
The unbeatable puzzle game. The text color of the puzzle should match with the color written on the option button. The background color and the text color of the button is irrelevant. The color written on the option button is the key to the puzzle. Good luck.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Science needs YOUR help! Clean up space debris that poses a danger to future space travellers. Use the gravity from nearby planets and calculate your paththrough space.There are currently over 500 000 pieces of debris left in space from previous launches. Anything from old rocket parts, to lost...
Version: 6.6.13 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Mis on FOMP?! rasvasus! Raha! Ja au! Esiteks: rasvasus! Kui olete kunagi oma festivali löönud, võite esimesed kolm minutit üle elada, ilma et see puruneks. Kui te seda ei tee - peate õppima. raske tee. rasvasus ei kasva puudel. , aga kõigepealt kõigepealt - kuidas FOMP töötab? sa...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
SPACE SHOOTER 3D3D 기반의 슈팅게임으로 쉬운 컨트롤과 새로운 과녁을 이용해서 적을 보다 쉽게 타격할 수 있습니다.게이트웨이로 침범하는 적들을 사살하라!정신없이 몰려드는 적들을 섬멸하는것이 목표!구성- 좌,우 직선이동...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Pıtırcan Uzun Yolda ! Pıtırcan ile İstanbul sokaklarında müthiş bir macera seni bekliyor ! Salamları topla ve Pıtırcan'ı solucanlardan kurtar ! En yüksek skoru sen topla haftanın birincisi ol !Phoenix Interactive Studio tarafından geliştirilen Pıtırcan sizleri bekliyor !
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Spojovačky on elektroonilise ekvivalendi didaktiline näituse keskkonda. See ühendab geomeetria (joondamistasandiga) aritmeetika (number seeria). Ülesanne õpilased on läbida kogu näituse, nii et iga valdkonna sisestama vaid korra ja järgides järjekorras arvuline seeria. Väljajätmine...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Märkus. Mängu pilootversioon sisaldab välja töötatud vahistamise funktsionaalsust. Vabandage puuduste eeliseid ja aidake mängu oma liha paremaks muuta. Eemaldage matemaatikameetodi karja põhimõte - üks elementidest on avastuse rõõm, Eeni rõõm. DTI mäng valmistub võrranditega Prici ja...
Version: 1.71-premium APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Please, try at first FREE VERSION of this game, to be sure that it work properly on your Android device and that you like it. Free version of the game is the same as paid only contains...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
See juhuslik mäng on mõeldud lihtsaks ja hõlpsasti mõistetavaks. See peaks olema 90ndate käeshoitava mängukonsooli välimus ja tunne teie arvutis. See mäng on mäng, kus valite muna, koorute selle, tõstes olendi küpsusele, et pääseda faunafailidele: avanud olendi üksikasjalik kirjeldus....
Version: 11.02 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Värskendus - lisatud 60 uut taset. Mäng on teie parim panus, et tappa aeg Shoot Down on laskmismäng, kus mängija peab järgmisele tasemele minema plokid , see oleks lihtne esimestel tasemetel, kuid uskuge USA kõrgemad tasemed testivad teie täpsust , mida on lihtne mängida raskesti ...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
Scratch & Win is the most fun game to play with the scratch cards.We propose this review to let you enjoy your time with continuous goals.You can have fun when you even have a few minutes and continue winning more challenging levels.Will you be able to conquer the level 100?IMPORTANT:- real...
Version: 1.0.01 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
*43 Old Testament Word Search Games*Each Word Search Game Randomly Generates the words location so you can revisit played games*Play Classic, Timed, or Sequential ModesThis is one of many apps/games that will focus on clean, family, Christian fun.
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
Zombie SOUR PATCH KIDS® candy are on the attack and it’s your job to protect all that is Sour and Sweet! Fight on the front lines in your very own zombie zapping defense tower! Upgrade your arsenal with the latest in zombie terminating tech and defeat wave after wave of zombie SOUR PATCH KIDS®...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
True jagab teiega oma imelisi soove! Liituge eredate, lõbusate tegevuste mängimisel! ootab vikerkaare kuningriik! Tõeline tervitab teid vikerkaare kuningriiki ja vajab teie abi! Valige mõni Traadist Seven Wish Friends ja koputage, libistage, virnastage ja juhtige neid mitmesuguste tasuta...
Version: 1.5.51 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
Станьте правителем самой большой страны в мире, и ведите её к великим победам! Управляйте важнейшими структурами страны, возводите стройки века, защищайте своё...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
REQUIRES MERGE VR HEADSET WITH MERGE CUBE TO PLAY.SUBMERGE INTO VIRTUAL REALITYThere are plenty of fish in the sea, but few as hungry as Munch! The classic eat-and-grow genre reimagined in Virtual Reality.SURVIVAL OF THE SWIFTESTEat smaller fish to grow in size, but make sure not to get eaten by...
Version: 3.4 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
Learn math: addition, subtraction, times tables for primary, numbers and tallying for preschool kids. Also, the youngest kids can learn their first words in their own language or in any other (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian,...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
Anvilforth's peaceful time has passed. The hand of tyranny has hung over the city. It was created from steam, metal and human suffering. The power of the King Zargus had no limits, as his greed and cruelty. The best smiths and craftsmen have became his slaves to make the tools of death....
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
Do you like avoiding white shapes with your finger? If so, I'm not about to question your oddly specific hobbies. You're in luck though, because that's what this game is about! 11 randomized white patterns at a gradually increasing speed. Don't touch them (unless you like...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
Analoogiad esinevad elus ja sageli kõrgete panustega testides. Analoogiate mõistmine ja võime analoogilise mõistmise mõistmiseks (analoogia tuvastamiseks, hindamiseks ja lahendamiseks kasutatud arutluskäik) on olulised probleemide lahendamise oskused, mis on matemaatilise arengu oluline osa....