Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas

Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: June 19, 2017
Mallow Drops ir gravitācijas mīkla, kurā divi kivi mēģina izglābt zaudētās olas sagrautajā pasaulē. Apgrieziet visu otrādi, slīdot, pārejot un pārvietojoties pa tās sarežģīto pasauli, platformera sajaukumu un bīdāmo bloku mīklu. Nokļūšana tur, kur jums jāiet, ir puse no...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 19, 2017
La visión periférica te permite abarcar hasta casi 180º con tu vista. ¿Crees que has perdido capacidad de visión periférica? Juega a los 60 divertidos niveles, divididos en 4 juegos distintos, que entrenarán tus ojos para mejorar tu visión periférica.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 18, 2017
A COMBINAÇÃO DE DUAS GRANDES ARTES:“MÚSICA” e “PINTURA”Introdução:Que tal pintar a música com as cores?Pois é, combinar música e cores é como unir o útil ao agradável, pois esses elementos se ajustam de uma forma muito natural, sem falar que ambos oferecem uma série de...
Version: 4.0.00 APK - Updated: June 18, 2017
Jūsu attēlu atmiņas spēle ir atmiņas spēle (atbilstoša spēle) ar jūsu pašu attēliem! Saskaņojiet galerijas attēlus. Uzlabojiet atmiņu, izpētot tālruņa attēlus. Labākā bērnu atmiņas spēle, lai uzlabotu atmiņu, izmantojot galerijas attēlus, lai katra spēle būtu jauna...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: June 18, 2017
NO Advertisements!I have learned this solitaire game 15 years ago with real cards and have never found the same in the app store.So I decided to realize it by myself and give you also the chance to play it.The harp (German: Die Harfe) is played with 2 sets of cards (104 cards) and 8 storage...
Version: 3.6 APK - Updated: June 17, 2017
Warm up your alien death ray by blasting asteroids as your crew approach Earth, then take out the humans' satellites to break their internet - but watch out for incoming ballistic missiles! After making atmospheric re-entry, wreak havoc and destruction upon the nearest city for maximum points...
Version: 45 APK - Updated: June 17, 2017
Candy Squad is built for VR and is a completely over the top "hands free" VR experience. Compete in VR with friends and family, in hot seat mode! Players face an exhilarating squad of sugar feasting chomps in this world of candy hammers, lollipops and marshmallows. Play whole invasions...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 16, 2017
This pack contains 16 high quality stereo, equalized and compressed Caustic PCMSynth presets especially designed for the Caustic App and memory concerns of mobile devices.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 16, 2017
Vai jūs bieži domājat par to, kas tur atrodas, zem pilsētām un pilsētām, kurās mēs dzīvojam? kanalizācijas sistēmas, bumbas ķērpji, zinātniski priekšmeti ... Vai esat gatavs atrasties vietā realitātes plaknes malā, pie kuras esat pieradis? Tajā dienā tika solīts nekas...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: June 16, 2017
There are many levels (100+) with different challenges in "Challenge Game" mode: - destroy more lines using one brick - destroy all predefined level bricks - survive specific time with higher brick falling speed - finish challenges before time level limitand more... Meet all level...
Version: V1.4 APK - Updated: June 16, 2017
The creators of Stupid Quest invite you to live the stupidest story you have ever experienced. Let yourself be guided by a pretty weird gamemaster, in an adventure whose big and stupid decisions are up to you.For the first time (or the second, there's no need to quibble!) in the history of...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 16, 2017
Turpinājums par darbību piepildītās matemātikas spēles! Math Run 2 aptver plašu matemātikas tēmu klāstu, un tai ir arvien vairāk viktorīnas jautājumu! uzlabojiet savas matemātikas prasmes aizraujošā jaunā skriešanas spēlē! Matemātika vienkārši kļuva jautrāka un...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 15, 2017
VGAR ► Virtual Girlfriend AR☢Warning game is for ages 18 and older, because it contains a large prolific content, you consider before downloading☢Warning very sensual costume of the young girl☢How To Play☢ VR-Step Plugin►step in place or jump to move in the game►look at to choose time...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 15, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 15, 2017
this pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned caustic 3.2 stereo beatbox kits especially designed for the caustic 3.2 app workflow.important: if you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must jāinstalē 2 stundas pēc sākotnējā pirkuma un...
Version: 1.7.8 APK - Updated: June 15, 2017
* 16. Gamein Awards lielā balva, ko veica Gamein Foundation * 4. spēļu izveides klausīšanās 2. vieta, KOCCA * MWU Game Awards Top 21 By Unity Corea * Greenlit on Steam *, kas demonstrēts 2016. gada Busan Indie Connect (bic) festivāls sižets griezt savu ceļu uz slēpto galu! Arvien...
Version: APK - Updated: June 15, 2017
총 21개의 말씀 구절이 있습니다.질문 답 형식으로 말씀이 위에서 아래로 내려오면 1) 말씀을 잡고 (오른쪽 버튼) 질문과 그에 대한 말씀을 보며 묵상합니다. 2) 이후에 가운데 빨간 스틱을 누르면 하트모양이 나가 말씀을 ...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
로또 족집게3로또의 적중률을 높이기 위해 통계표를 토대로, 세밀한 분석을 통해 선정한 빼고 싶은 번호 25개를 제공해서 로또의 당첨 확률을 대폭 높였습니다.지금까지의 로또 프로그램을 보면 45개의 번호 중 무작위적으로...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
First chapter of PiPi's adventure is now available on Android for Phones & Tablets! Immerse into her story as she meets new friends along the journey, and help her gain inspiration through solving the puzzles. New style of color creation puzzle that will get your mind running!GAME...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
A fun dice app with many features.Add as many dice of all kinds as you can.View the Score and dice again.Features Full version: - Release a single Dice to dice again - 7 Different Dices - W4 Dice - W6 Dice - W8 Dice - W10 Dice - W12 Dice - W20 Dice - 90 degrees Dice - 7 different...
Version: 3.8.6 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Uzņemiet viesistabas, parka un guļamistabas attēlu, kā vēlaties, un turiet jauku kucēnu savā istabā !! * Jūs varat spēlēt ar savu kucēnu jebkurā laikā savā istabā. Jūs varat nofotografēt savu istabu ar kameras funkciju un spēlēt ar kucēnu jebkurā laikā jūsu viedtālruņa...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Get ready to blast off into an unforgettable adventure together with the new magic puzzle quest Fairytale Mosaics. Beauty and the Beast game! The magic rose is losing one petal after another! Can you save the prince and his kingdom in time and return their former glory?Fairytale Mosaics is a true...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
The multilingual version without malicious ads.It is a fishing simulator aimed at specific species. The players, by operating their phone and using its motor functions, can achieve good results in the game through a throwing technique suitable for a particular fish species, selecting the...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Check your ninja with the keys. Run away from the obstacles to die. Kill the zombies with a sharp blade and hair. Battle with zombies for next episode
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Get ready to blast off into an unforgettable adventure together with the new magic puzzle quest Fairytale Mosaics. Beauty and the Beast game! The magic rose is losing one petal after another! Can you save the prince and his kingdom in time and return their former glory?Fairytale Mosaics is a true...
Version: 1.7.8 APK - Updated: June 13, 2017
Aprender Inglés para Niños es una aplicación de aprendizaje divertida y entretenida para niños de todas las edades. Los niños se divertirán aprendiendo inglés y los adultos perfeccionando el idioma.Aprender Inglés para Niños está compuesto por varios juegos que permiten:- Aprender las...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 13, 2017
Agata Christie: ABC slepkavo Jūsu ierocis ir jūsu zināšanas. Jūsu asprātība tiks veikta galīgajā testā! ABC Murders ir piedzīvojumu un izmeklēšanas spēle, kas pielāgota no klasiskā Agatha Christie romāna. Spēlētājs iemieso slaveno Hercule Poirot 3. personas perspektīvas...
Version: 1.6.13 APK - Updated: June 13, 2017
This game needs Google Daydream. The object of the game is to obtain the material by eliminating blocks, and build the babel with the materials.Let’s go beyond the solar system, to the Andromeda, to the Sagittarius, into the vast sky far far away.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 13, 2017
Rounders Luck Poker ir vecā skola, vintage stila holdem pokera spēle. Ar ļoti vieglu un vienkāršotu spēli atšķirībā no vairuma spēļu, kurām var būt daudz funkciju un ir mulsinoša. Viss, kas jums jādara, ir ielēkt istabā, uzaicināt savus draugus, un jūs varat spēlēt pokeru...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 12, 2017
En esta nueva APP encontraremos 4 nuevos juegos con los que entrenar tu visión periférica. 48 niveles llenos de agilidad ocular para perfeccionar tus movimientos sacádicos y rotativos. Idiomas: Español - InglésIn this new APP you can train your periferical vision with 4 new games.48 levels...