Hry Placené Android Zdarma

Hry Placené Android Zdarma
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 09, 2017
Tato frakce válečná hra pomáhá srovnat frakce hráči a zároveň baví! Začátečník Hra využívá poloviny, čtvrtiny a osmin. Snadná úroveň zahrnuje třetiny a šestin médium hra přidává do kvinty a desetinách a nejtěžší hra má procenta spolu se všemi frakcemi.Cílem frakce...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 09, 2017
From the graphic designer of "LUMI" selected by Apple for the "app of the week", Dark Guardians is the most epic adventure game on the App Store. Between a runner game and a rhythm game, Dark Guardians awakens all your senses. Fight monsters of darkness and travel across...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
Welcome Rookie! You've been recruited to collect Validium from the asteroids that surround Jupiter, but your navigation system is giving you problems. Math problems! You must solve the problems in order select the asteroid that contains the Validium. Select the wrong asteroid and you will...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
Grab your pick and other instruments! War are beginning now!Run into the battle, soldier!You are on a raft in deep ocean. After traveling you find small island with resources. But you are not alone! Many enemies want to be on top of this place.+ Try be better than your friends!+ Survive on raft...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
Vydejte se na epické dobrodružství v Heroes 2: The Undead King, strhující tahové strategické hře zasazené do fascinujícího fantasy světa.Ponořte se do příběhu o blížící se zkáze, když nová hrozba vrhá svůj stín na Království. Nemrtvý král se svými hanebnými úmysly...
Version: 1.018 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
VR with cats!Get cupcakes, feed the cat, discover new levels and set up new records in the new VR game Feed The Cat!Feed The Cat is an interesting catchy game designed to give you only positive emotions.In the game you will control the cat, get sweets, go through obstacles, investigate unknown...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
●●● What? Classic game 7-in-1?●●●◆ Yeah, Don't be shocked,It's really 7 classic game in 1 pack!◆ What are you waiting for? Click 'GET' it! 【Includes game as follow】● Game-1 "2048": Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
Chess Gang is a classic chess game styled with awesome modern graphics that will bring You great amounts of fun. Play with one of the street gangs to show who’s the boss here and destroy the king(pin) to get to his cash. Show them all who’s the smartest and strongest on the street!Play against...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: June 07, 2017
Od tvůrců krále Ligy: Odyssey přichází drobné Guardians - strategický TD hru bez věže!Připravte se pustit na epické dobrodružství s těmito malými hrdiny!Přivolat jedinečné strážci bránit Lunalie proti různým nepřátelům, když cestuje přes poušť Prism při hledání...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 07, 2017
Match 3 or more items in any direction. Develop your brain's pattern matching skills.Kids Safe - No Ads, No Popups, No In-App Purchase, No Social Media- Match 3 puzzle- 100+ Levels- Multiple Game modes- Create Matches in any DirectionCreated by Parents to enable a safe learning environment for...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 07, 2017
Danger lurks everywhere in the aquarium—sharks swimming around, turtles rampaging recklessly, and the most inconspicuous little fish is under threat. Who will be the king of the aquarium? Come and play!This game is easy to operate. With the daydream controller, the player can control the little...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 07, 2017
Sluchátka, prosím. Blind Samurai je 100% přístupný doplněk k her pro slepé lidi. Chcete se stát bojovým zázrakem jako Daredevil? Zvykujte si uši a poslouchejte nepřátele, kteří se blíží doleva nebo doprava. Intuitivní ovládací prvky přejetím přejetím vám umožňují...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 07, 2017
Practice writing letters, numbers and kindergarten sight wordsKids Safe - No Ads, No Popups, No In-App Purchase, No Social Media- Handwriting Tracing - Upper case letters- Lower case letters- Numbers- Kindergarten Sight words- Stylus supportCreated by Parents to enable a safe learning environment...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 07, 2017
Игра предназначена для взрослых и детей. Более 10 видов рыб, задания на время, дополнительные бонусы. Попробуйте пройти все уровни и главное не поймайте акулу,...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 06, 2017
Scalemania. Tato hra byla vyvinuta hudebníkem a lektorem, jejím účelem je pomoci při studiu hlavních a menších klíčů. Tato hra je zaměřena na odstranění nesprávných poznámek a zabránění jim dosáhnout klavíru. Každá nová úroveň je nová stupnice: hra obsahuje všechny...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 06, 2017
The best game for children to learn vocabulary by playing. It stimulates and develops creativity, memory and cognitive development.              -- WHITHOUT ADS -- -- NO ADDITIONAL SHOPPING -- -- NO INTERNET ACCESS REQUIRED --Texts and Voices in Spanish and...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: June 06, 2017
Steven is different from the others seagulls, he likes a lot of action and adventure. Now he’s back and needs your help to dodge hungry sharks, troublemaking birds, speedboats and all sorts of obstacles, while eating as much fish as he can to keep his energy and collecting several power ups to...
Version: 1.3.2 APK - Updated: June 06, 2017
illi is a polished one button platform puzzler. As the creature illi, you jump your way through a strange world where gravity follows you! Things you take for granted in your world is different here. illi travels through portals and enters barren worlds where she gathers light crystals that remain....
Version: 2 APK - Updated: June 06, 2017
V TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS konečně přistál ... v jejich vůbec první interaktivní pohádkové app! Jste připraveni připojit se k nim na jejich záchranné misi?Je-li nový Sky Forest věž postavena v roce Griffin Rock, město se ocitá pod útokem hladové rostlin! Je čas pro...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 06, 2017
Připojte se k Sweet Baby Girl v nové hře letního tábora pro dívky! Prozkoumejte super zábavné letní prázdninové aktivity a hrajte nejroztomilejší dívčí hry. Oblékněte se a stylizujte vlasy pro sladkou holčičku, vyčistěte a navrhujte své vysněné kempovací auto, vyrábějte...
Version: 3.24 APK - Updated: June 05, 2017
If you play cribbage, then there is a good chance that you learned from grandpa, I know I did! Grandpa's Cribbage is dedicated to all of the grandpas who passed on the cribbage tradition to their kids and grand kids. Features:• Auto count or count you own cards!• Detailed and accurate count...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: June 05, 2017
Allpass is a game of “do not take bribes” for all players. The rules are very simple: no trump, you need to walk on the suit, no suit – throw any card. It would seem that there is no problem: taking bribes as little as possible, under the partner card is necessary to put a smaller, but if not...
Version: 0.0.2 APK - Updated: June 05, 2017
Paper Punch Party boosts your child's nonverbal skills, and prepares them for paper folding or hole punch questions for CogAT®. It also increases your child's chances of success on other exams with non-verbal subtests like the NNAT®, OLSAT®, WISC®, WPPSI™, InView™, KBIT™,...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: June 05, 2017
Mobile Edition Aplikace Aplikace#1 pro děti s jasným vyprávěním a zábavnými zvukovými efekty! Připojte se k více než půl milionu uživatelů, kteří si již užívají scénu! Vytvořeno přes 100 milionů scén! Proč rodiče a učitelé milují tuto aplikaci Udělejte přepravu...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 05, 2017
Словарные слова -- одна из проблем начальной школы. Мы сделали игру для их легкого запоминания. В каждой школе учат свои словарные слова, поэтому мы объединили их в...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: June 05, 2017
This is a time attack game. The goal of the game is to collect seafood avoiding from many obstacles and underwater creatures.Have you heard about 'Inland woman diver'? She always dreams about the life of woman-diver. That's why people call her "Seoul-Woman-Diver".One day she...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 04, 2017
Pinball game. Play by tapping the screen. It is not as easy as you think. Challenge yourself and play ball as long as you can.
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: June 03, 2017
Explore new objects of space, expand the ownership of your corporation, extract resources, build a fleet for defense territory and destruction of enemies.Events take place in the world with their own history.The campaign mode includes training missions.Scenario mode for experienced...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: June 03, 2017
Enjoy smashing plates and knocking over bottles with Rampage Kitty! Rampage Kitty is a casual fun game for the whole family. Just tap anywhere on the table or items to move this cute kitty and the fun begins. Content will be added monthly.
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: June 03, 2017
«Lionessy story» is a visual novel that tells a story of a lion cub living out his carefree days in a lion pride reigning over the great African savannah. But life in the wilderness is never easy, and after a terrible tragedy yanks him out of his pampered lifestyle, the young cub has to face the...