Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
- Viola Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Viola and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
Maxas ir marsiečiai yra nuotykių žaidimas, kuriame jūs žaidžiate kaip Maxas. Jis gyvena su savo seneliu įprastame Oakfieldo mieste, tačiau svajoja būti kosmoso tyrinėtoju. Šį savaitgalį atrodo, kad jo svajonės gali išsipildyti, tačiau jam reikia jūsų pagalbos. Ar galite pakeliui...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
Zoe de Zeehond op het wad gaat over een baby zeehond en haar moeder. Zoe de zeehond ligt met haar moeder op het wad. Zoe krijgt een beetje honger en gaat een visje vangen in de Waddenzee. Maar dan gaat het stormen en raakt ze de weg kwijt. Natuurlijk loopt het goed af.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
Did you play Disoku? Try to get in a square of 3, 4, 5 or 7 cells, on each row and column different numbers and colours.At Disoku Pro you have real brainteasers for experts, with puzzles of size 5, 7 and 8. Most of the puzzles show a nice symmetric pattern. There are 120 puzzles with different...
Version: 15850 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
- Piano Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Piano and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: May 06, 2017
Missilemanas yra greitas, vertikaliai slinkantis 2D šaulys. Tu esi vyras ant raketos! Nugalėkite priešus žemyn su raketomis. Uždirbkite EXP ir atnaujinkite savo raketą. Ar galite įveikti visus 16 etapų per keturias zonas, kad galų gale nugalėtumėte akį? Dodge sienos ir kliūtys,...
Version: 6.20 APK - Updated: May 06, 2017
15000 galvosūkių, aštuoni sunkumų lygiai, geriausios pasaulio užuominos funkcijos ir statistika. Vienintelė „Sudoku“ programa, kurios jums reikia! , procentai ir x-sudokus Aštuoni sunkumų lygiai: labai lengvas, lengvas, vidutinio sunkumo, pažengęs, kietus, labai kietas, velniškas,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 06, 2017
Your brother has disappeared while investigating some events in a mansion that should be abandoned, so you will find him, soon you will realize that it has not been a good idea to enter this place full of strange creatures, dungeons and failed experiments that stalk you from the shadows, you must...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
Some time had passed since Gangster Granny went on her ferocious trip to rob a bank. Those days seemed to be left behind as she now held an icecream instead of a gun, peacefully walking on the calm, sunny streets of a small village. Little did she know it was all about to change...An evil...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- French Horn Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your French Horn and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Trombone Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Trombone and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
-Alto Sax Racer naudoja mikrofoną klausytis, kai greitai perjungiate pastabas, kad jūsų automobilis būtų degalus. -ištraukite savo alto saksą ir paleiskite teisingas užrašus, kad perduotumėte kitus automobilius. -kiek automobilių galite. Pass? tobula programa pradedantiesiems ir...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Tuba Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Tuba and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Flute Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Flute and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Tenor Sax Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Tenor Sax and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Oboe Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Oboe and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Baritone Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Baritone and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Recorder Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Recorder and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Cello Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Cello and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- „Bass Clainet Racer“ naudoja mikrofoną klausytis, kai greitai perjungiate pastabas, kad jūsų automobilis būtų degalus. - ištraukite savo boso klarnetą ir paleiskite teisingus užrašus, kad perduotumėte kitus automobilius. - kiek automobilių galite. Pass? tobula programa...
Version: 15840 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
- Bassoon Racer uses the microphone to listen as you quickly switch between notes to keep your car fueled.- Pull out your Bassoon and play the correct Notes to pass the other cars.- How many cars can you pass?The Perfect app for beginners and advanced players of all ages:- Works with your REAL...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
Soccer Crush Full – Ad-FreeCrush the Soccer in this amazing AD-Free Android game. Get ready to become the best Soccer Player in the world. In order to do that, you will have to overcome different challenges throughout Brazil. Have fun in the World Cup Stadiums featured in this game. Get ready for...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
We are happy to meet you god at your home hand anywhere,Yes we have done creative VR app for busy people those who don't have time for god, Simple just install application and move your phone 360 degree and visit beautiful church at you palm even you can perform ritual in front of...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
Do you have what it takes to work at the Legendary Coffee shops?Start with a shift bussing tables to keep your store immaculately clean.Blend the various international shipments of coffee beans into various product mixes.Take orders from customers, listening carefully, while marking their cup, so...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
Os morcegos foram presos em uma gaiola mágica. Para quebrar o feitiço e salvar os morcegos, você precisa acertar os monstrinhos no jogo dos opostos. Embarque nessa aventura e aprenda brincando.
Version: APK - Updated: May 03, 2017
Stebinantis žaidimas yra taktinis lentų žaidimas, kuris iššūkis žaidėjams veteranams. „Dream Theatre“ ir „Turbo Tape Games“ dirbo arti vienas kito, kad sukurtų šį parašo lentos žaidimą, „Svajonių teatrų“ epinės roko operos „The Stulling“ atnaujinimą. Tai suteikia...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: May 03, 2017
"Labai manijos ir elektryzującą, unikalios hiper greita dodging ir Domu pathfinding" -Gamezebo"Juokingai žiauriai, bet tai nebus žiauriai savo piniginėje: tai tik $ 0.99 be jokio in-app pirkimai žvilgsnio Oho.". -TouchArcadeKada riteris yra begalinis, arkada stiliaus...
Version: 1.0.4f1 APK - Updated: May 03, 2017
Kūnas, rastas automobilio bagažinėje po Niujorko policijos Chase policijos pareigūnų ir ugniagesių, atrado negyvą kūną automobilio bagažinėje, apleistame po policijos persekiojimo ketvirtadienio rytą. Detektyvas Alexas Calvino perima šią bylą. Ar gaujos problemos, narkotikų...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 03, 2017
Imperija sustingsta po politinių pokyčių 2016 m. Vasarą ir po to įvykusius įvykius Didžioji Britanija vis labiau izoliuota nuo pasaulinės visuomenės. Nusivylęs dėl šio kadaise didžiosios tautos, kurią jos Didenybė, karalienė padarė išvadą, kad išrinkti Vestminsterio atstovai...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 03, 2017
Audio Arena: Player versus Music.Audio Arena is a single player arena game in which the gameplay is generated by music. The arena stretches 360 degrees around you and the enemies get spawned on the beat of the music.Dodge your enemies using Gaze or Motion controls. Powerups are placed in the arena...