Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: February 23, 2017
Glow with the Flow is a calming minimalist puzzle game guaranteed to relax you.Simply tap to launch the glowing ball and watch it flow through the level. Bounce off mirrors, collect the dots, and reach the goal.Immerse yourself in this mesmerizing minimalist play of light and shadows. Let your mind...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 22, 2017
Welcome to Longboard Downhill. Packed full with skate parks, minigames, custom boards and more! 1-2 players!Use gestures to preform tricks and push the board forward with natural ease. You can also record video replays and send them to your friends! This app has everything you need to become a...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: February 22, 2017
Vaporlawave on kiire tempoga Daydream VR-i jaoks, mis on paigutatud retro tuleviku maastikku. seisate silmitsi vaenlaste lainetega ja üha suurenevate raskuste ülemustega, mida peate alla laskma, et tellite nii kaua, kui saate ellu jääda . Mängu on lihtne kätte saada, kuid tõeliselt...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 22, 2017
Have fun playing sounds on a music keyboard. Entertain your family and friends with this very easy to use simulated music keyboard. Play any melody you like in different music sounds. Look, listen and play the sounds of music from different cultures and countries around the world. Musical keyboard...
Version: 1.0.19161 APK - Updated: February 22, 2017
Olete alati unistanud omaenda armsate kasside hotellist, kuid teie soov ei saanud kunagi teoks? Teie ootamine on nüüd läbi, sest Cathotel VR -iga kogete igasuguseid erinevaid kiisude liike ja tõugu, mängige nendega ja hoolitsege nende eest. armsad kassid virtuaalreaalsuses avage omaenda...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2017
Mängu tegevus kulgeks apokalüptiline linna ja selle eeslinnades. Mäng on dünaamiline esimene inimene virtuaalse reaalsuse jooksja. Peategelane põgeneb salakaval koletisi, kes püüavad rünnata.Monsters on kõikjal, töötab taha, nad hüpata pool ja eespool hüppas hoonete ja kõike. Lisaks...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: February 20, 2017
GoGrinder is for practicing Go problems.Improving your reading is the fastest way to get stronger at Go, and solving problems is the best way to improve your reading.* Comes with 497 problems, and you can easily add your own collections.* Keeps track of % correct and average time on collections so...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: February 20, 2017
Create music with Lily, a playful musical experience for people of all ages and musical abilities. Compose a looping melody with each lily and build up interesting harmonies and melodic patterns.Explore polyrhythm by composing looping melodies of different lengths and tempo to create complex...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 19, 2017
Kurja väed koguvad. Miks nad marsivad? Kus on nende kodu? keegi ei tea. Prohvetite nägemine on pilves. Geomancers näevad oma kaartidel vähe. kõik teised? Nad põgenevad. Allied Kingdoms võitlevad ellujäämise nimel. Elul ja kogu oma eesmärgil pole nendele sõpradele tähendust. Väljad...
Version: 1.6.2 APK - Updated: February 18, 2017
See on tasuline versioon. Mängus pole reklaame! Mida teie beebid õpivad? - õppige arvesse võtma numbreid 1 kuni 10 - mõistke numbreid (123 ... 10) - tundke tuttavaid lemmikloomi, 10 looma: sipelga, mesilane, kass, koer, elevant, elevant, Fox, Monkey, Penguin ja Rabbit - tunnevad ära...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
Steamkraft Deluxe - Steampunk voyages inspired by Jules Verne Steamkraft is an endless running game set in a Vernian world. Drive, fly and sail using different steampunk machines!Get as far as possible while trying to evade moving and stationary objects. Have fun and challenge your friends with...
Version: 3.6 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
Minu virtuaalne poiss -sõber on nr 1 poiss -sõber tutvumissim maailmas! , mis on esitatud Vogue, Glamour ja TechCrunch ülevaated = 4,5/5 tärni = 4.5 /5 tärni = 4/5 tähte d e s c r i p t i o n: , kas olete vallaline? Kas teile...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
Pippa, her cuddly friend Boo and blankey Snuggly like to play and have fun. You can find them in books and games and they’re also available as plush toys. They are designed to boost early language development. This app can be used in several ways. By default, ”intructions” and ”naming”...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
See pakett sisaldab 16 kõrgekvaliteedilist, võrdsustatud ja tihendatud kaustikat 3.2 stereopcMynth eelseadet, mis on mõeldud eriti kaustilise rakenduse jaoks. on oluline: kui kavatsete hoida paketi uuesti installimiseks/mitme seadme installimiseks, peab APK APK peab installitakse 2 tunniks...
Version: 3.6 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
Minu virtuaalne tüdruksõber on peamine virtuaalne tutvumismäng- pole ühtegi teist sellist mängu! mainiti MSNBC-s ja Kotaku ning Lopez täna õhtul! Minu virtuaalne sõbranna on lõbus ja flirty kohtingu simulatsioonimäng, kus seal, kus kus Eesmärk on sama lihtne, kui seda on keeruline...
Version: 3.62 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
Minu virtuaalne gei poiss -sõber on muinasjutuliselt lõbus ja flirty tutvumismäng, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt gei mees. on esitletud pm ja Kirjeldus: väsinud Singlite stseen? Kas te ei jõua nende geide haakumisrakendustega kuhugi? Kuidas oleks siis, kui teil...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: February 17, 2017
Explore endless dungeons with your party, gather items and fight enemies!An infinite number of Dungeons are waiting at the Sea Crypt! Pick a party member and fight your way through enemies in increasingly difficult levels. Explore the tunnels and loot items to equip your squad.Features:- 2...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 16, 2017
Обучающая игра для детей от 1 до 7 лет.Приложение научит вашего малыша изучить фрукты, овощи и ягоды.А также после изучения карточек, доступна веселая игра (Угадай)....
Version: 1.1.52 APK - Updated: February 16, 2017
Make learning or practicing multiplication fun with an RPG where each battle is won with times table games. with Multiply, set out on a wild adventure and help Naomi or Swan save their mother from the dark forces. The adventure is filled with different battles that require children to practice...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 16, 2017
< 슬롯머신을 돌리기 위해 칩구매같은 소모성 추가비용이 발생되지 않습니다 >< 광고를 사용하지 않습니다 >< 기본 제공 보너스 슬롯 100개! >============================================- 고퀄리티 슬롯머신에 배틀이 더해져...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: February 16, 2017
Обучающая игра для детей от 1 до 4 лет.Малыш смотрит изображения различных животных и учит их названия, а текже, услышит звуки, которые животные издают.В приложении...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: February 15, 2017
Siit saate teada sõidu põhitõed, alustades liiklusmärkidest, rooli juhtimisest, sidurist, kiirendist, piduritest, käigukastist, sarvest ja nii edasi. Kustuta kõik tasemed, et olla reaalajas sõidusessioonideks valmis.
Version: 5.3.5 APK - Updated: February 15, 2017
Parim rakendus malesõpradele: mängige tehisintellekti vastu või võrgus FICSis või ICC-sMängige tehisintellekti vastu- Valitavad ELO tasemed, et reguleerida mängutugevust 500 kuni 2100 50 ELO punkti sammuga- Valitav aeg ühe käigu kohta: muutes ELO-d ja aega liikumise kohta, saab valida...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 15, 2017
What is “VR MUSEUM”?!Experience the world of popular Japanese anime, “PUNCH LINE”, in virtual reality.You wander off into a strange place after having an out-of-body experience caused by an unexpected turn of events.This place turns out to be “KORAIKAN”, an apartment where fun and...
Version: 2.016 APK - Updated: February 15, 2017
Kasutage labürindi põgenemiseks ja GNOME planeedist katastroofist pääsemiseks. läbi kaardiredaktori kaudu saate luua ja jagada oma etappe. valmistage oma mäng, kasutades erinevaid püüniseid ja plokke. ja konkureerida teistega. 129 etappi! Erinevad raskusasted! Kui see on liiga raske,...
Version: 13.0 APK - Updated: February 15, 2017
Heroes of Equilibrium e um projeto envolvente, estando ainda em desenvolvimento pelo Estudio Gama Games, sendo criado usando o RPG Maker MV. Heroes of Equilibrium e o meu primeiro projeto publico. Voce pode baixar sua versao demonstraçao aberta ou paga como forma de isentivo para mim, por ainda...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: February 14, 2017
When you woke up, scenery opening there does not have the recognition,And you did not know who oneself was either."Escape from here!!"Only this word is incised on a head.Tablets support.Escape adventure "FLEE!".You wander in the very large world.You make full use of a tool, and...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: February 14, 2017
Läbirääkimisi vee õigused skorpion jumalate see nekromantilisteks juriidiline thriller! Diskrediteerida oma boss, lahendada mõrva ja taaselustada oma surnukeha hoida oma linna kuivamist."Deathless: linna Janu" on 150000-sõna interaktiivne romaani Max Gladstone, autor "Choice of...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: February 14, 2017
Il gioco per gli appassionati delle batterie pirotecniche passa alla versione 2.Tante novità:-batterie alla "bolognese"-effetti elettronici-bombe "nitro"-bombe fumo colorate-fumogeni-mini editorTante nuove colorate batterie pirotecniche da incendiare!!! Il divertimento e lo...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 13, 2017
- 즐기면서 배우는 EBS 펀러닝(Fun learning) 시리즈입니다. - 5~7세 미취학 유아와 초등저학년들을 위한 코딩교육 입문용 앱 게임입니다.- EBS 모여라 딩동댕의 새로운 번개맨 스토리 번개타운과 케릭터들이 등장하여 게임을...