Quiz app for Smite

Quiz app for Smite

Tylko aplikacja quizu oparta na Moba Smite. nie powiązane z Hirezem.

W tej grze zostaniesz zadany na różne pytania, od łatwych do twardej, z odrobiną zabawnych ciekawostek z boku.

Jak to zrobisz? Pobierz i dowiedz się.

Zastrzeżenie: Smite Quiz nie jest poparte przez Hi-Rez Studios i nie odzwierciedla poglądów ani opinii Hi-Rez Studios. To projekt fanów.

Download Quiz app for Smite 1.15 APK

Quiz app for Smite 1.15
Cena: Free
Aktualna Wersja: 1.15
Instalacje: 1,000+
Średnia Ocena: aggregate Rating (4.0 out of 5)
Ocena Użytkowników: 13
Wymagania: Android 4.0+
Ocena Treści: Teen
Nazwa Pakietu: com.SmiteQuiz.DonutInc

What's New in Quiz-app-for-Smite 1.15

    This update is to fix some outdated questions. The questions were originally thought of during Season 3 and with the release of Season 3 and new gods, some of them have become outdated

    ~Changes from last release~
    - Removed the multiplayer button as there are no current plans to implement this feature in the near future (it may come back, it depends if I have time. I'm only a solo developer)
    - Changed questions that have been made redundant by the new Smite patches!