Score My Yatzy

Score My Yatzy

Yatzy ansiktet ditt, vel hold poeng!

mistet scoringsarket ditt? Brenn den i raseri? Vi har deg dekket.

Vi gjør alt for deg, alt du trenger å gjøre er å ta med en venn.

og det er helt gratis!

kos deg!

Download Score My Yatzy APK

Score My Yatzy
Pris: Free
Gjeldende Versjon:
Installerer: 1,000+
Rangeringsgjennomsnitt: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Krav: Android 4.2+
Innholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakkenavn: com.alpentorstudios.scoremyyatzy

What's New in Score-My-Yatzy

    Welcome to the inaugural release of Score My Yatzy!

    Parade your unnatural dicey prowess to the world as you square off against 5 friends at once in the ultimate showdown of the game, nay, the LIFESTYLE that is Yatzy.

    Stuff to come:
    • Forced Yatzy
    • Maxi Yatzy
    • Giant Yatzy
    • Automatically crunch and add scores after rolls

    Send me your suggestions!