Trending Games

Trending Games
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: November 08, 2022
Mi mirno pridemo! To je nova vznemirljiva igra za oboževalce Cartoon Masha in The Bear! Ali imate radi risanke? Ali se želite brezplačno igrati s svojimi najljubšimi liki? Prenesite to igro in postanite glavni junak te vznemirljive zgodbe! Smešni tujci, zanimive mini igre, vznemirljive...
Version: 1.4.5 APK - Updated: August 22, 2022
Čas je, da izvajate avtomobilske podvige na mega klančinah s svojimi najljubšimi avtomobili, kot so športni, dirkalni, klasični in hitri avtomobili v igri Formula Car. Dirka, letenje, avtomobilske igre z enim dotikom, ki vas pošljejo v zrak v avtomobilu, preden se zaletite v vse, kar se vam...
Version: 2.58.18907 APK - Updated: June 14, 2022
Welcome to the new MGM Casino Experience - the ultimate Vegas Casino experience! Bringing you the most exciting shows of Vegas and the ONLY live slots tournament app!The Official MGM Partner, MGM Slots Live presents the biggest Live 3D Shows, Tournaments, and Casino Games. The only app to offer the...
Version: 1.5.3 APK - Updated: May 20, 2022
OPEN WORLDBotworld is a huge, beautiful and diverse world which you can explore as you venture out to collect rare scrap and discover new bots. Enter new environments, meet a variety of characters, collect rare treasures and uncover the many secrets hidden in Botworld. You can freely explore the...
Version: 2.52 APK - Updated: March 22, 2022
Igrajte klasično puzzle igro s streljanjem z mehurčki! Ure zabave z ujemanje enakih barvnih mehurčkovCiljajte, se ujemajte in pojdite skozi več kot 10.000 zasvojenih mehurčkov, polnih izzivov in zabave.Enostavna in zabavna igra, a hkrati izziv za popolno obvladovanje! ⭐ Enostavna igra s...
Version: 1.13.11 APK - Updated: November 17, 2022
Hit, cut, blow up, burn and play the mini-games. You now have a virtually limitless arsenal: rockets, grenades, automatic rifles, torture instruments… and even a nuclear bomb. We present to you Kick the Buddy: Second Kick – it’s more than just a game! Want more kicks?Even if you're a...
Version: 2022.21.0.1644 APK - Updated: November 03, 2022
Welcome to the digital Multiverse! Magic: The Gathering is the original trading card game- and now you can download and start playing for free with your friends from anywhere! Magic: The Gathering Arena empowers you to discover your strategy, meet the planeswalkers, explore the multiverse, and...
Version: 1.50.5 APK - Updated: May 25, 2022
World of Airports je strateška igra, ki se osredotoča na upravljanje letališča. Lahko prevzamete vlogo kontrolorja zračnega prometa, medtem ko razvijate enega od številnih mednarodnih letališč, ki so natančno upodobljena v realistični 3D. Pridružite se množični skupnosti ljubiteljev...
Version: 1.7.3 APK - Updated: October 04, 2022
Dekleta imajo toliko iger za otroke, še posebej, če v njih obstaja varuška za dojenčke. Vsi ljubijo igrati z virtualnim hišnim ljubljenčkom! V teh igrah, mi, kot prava mama, hočemo krmo, piti malčka in se bomo igrali z njimi. Naš novorojenček želi jesti in spati. Moramo brati zobe,...
Version: 1.48.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2022
Ste ljubitelj športnih iger, še posebej ko gre za nogometne igre? Je adrenalin nogometne bitke na vašem seznamu najljubših?V tem primeru ne bi želeli zamuditi naše športne igre za več igralcev - Football Rivals.Če ste nadarjen timski igralec, ki lahko izvaja popolne podaje in prefinjeno...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: September 11, 2021
Z Doctor Trivia trenirate in pridobivate nova medicinska znanja na dinamičen in interaktiven način ter odgovarjate na različna vprašanja.Našli boste različne teme od miologije, osteologije, fiziologije do različnih vrst patologij.Napredujte skozi različne stopnje zahtevnosti in istočasno...
Version: 1.0.32 APK - Updated: May 13, 2022
Hi Doctor! there has been an emergency, we need our best doctor to handle the case. Rush towards the emergency room; diagnose, operate and take care of your patients to bring them back to their healthy life!"The Caring Souls - Doctor Game" is totally FREE to play supported with Ads &...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: July 30, 2022
Dobrodošli v povsem novih igrah 2021 brez povezave z navdušujočo ekipno smrtno tekmo v načinu strelskih iger 2021 te vojne operacije. Uživajte v tej novi akcijski igri leta 2021 "Commando Army Games 2021: New Army Games 2021 offline 3D". edinstveno oblikovane epske misije v teh igrah...
Version: 0.7 APK - Updated: May 20, 2021
Začnite delo noseče mame in mojega novega otroškega varstva z veliko zanimivimi aktivnostmi iger za novorojenčke. Zelo skrbite za materine 9 mesecev, da boste uživali v popolni zabavi in ​​neverjetnih nalogah. Torej, rešimo različne odgovornosti in si zagotovimo neprekinjeno zabavo iz...
Version: 1.0.12 APK - Updated: April 04, 2022
Attention all passengers, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare to land in an all-new adventure with Stories World™ Travels. Stow your belongings and get ready to EXPLORE! Tour the all-new exciting locations, chock full of crazy interactions with your favorite characters!Stories World™...
Version: 1.0.21 APK - Updated: August 27, 2022
Dvignite pištolo, zadržite sapo, ciljajte, streljajte, zadejte tarčo! Preprosto je, saj ste že strelec.Sniper Shooting vam zagotavlja najbolj realistično izkušnjo streljanja, z različnimi posebnimi pištolami, vsako orožje pa vam omogoča drugačno zabavo pri streljanju. Z njimi lahko...
Version: 3.0.3 APK - Updated: October 31, 2022
Version: 2.9.10 APK - Updated: October 20, 2022
Iskanje je konec. Baba Wild Slots ima vse, kar bi pričakovali od spletne igralnice. Popolna izkušnja v Vegasu kadarkoli in kjer koli, kjer koli, enostavno na voljo na vašem mobilnem telefonu in vse brezplačno brez motečih oglasov! Ali ste pripravljeni na izziv naših igralnih avtomatov?...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: September 21, 2021
Obožujete ekstremno vožnjo z avtomobili in igre uničevanja avtomobilov? Dobrodošli Real Car Crash Simulator, mešanica dirkalnih iger in realističnih iger prometnih nesreč! Izvedite svoj najbolj nor test trčenja in uživajte v trčenju avtomobilov! Igrajte svoje najboljše igre z avtomobili...
Version: 0.0.15 APK - Updated: June 15, 2022
Ragdoll Weapon Master is one of the stickman fighting games where you need to show your battling skills against another ragdoll fighter. Both you and the enemy have a health bar and a specific health count. Your opponents are just like you: rag doll stickman with limbs flopping in different...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: June 08, 2022
Can you stick all your dummy enemies against the wall with the duct tape?Your quest is simple...shoot with your sticky pistol and stick all the villains!Pull out your gun, hero, we have another emergency! It is time to prove to the world the all-mighty power of pranks. All you have is sticky...
Version: 1.6.17 APK - Updated: September 23, 2022
Slingshot Smash isn't the kind of game where you have to be careful or worry about wrecking something! No, just the opposite! You HAVE to smash everything because the whole point is to shoot from a huge slingshot and destroy all you see in front of you! Buildings, fences, towers, walls......
Version: 1.9.1 APK - Updated: December 29, 2021
Oh God! The court is full again! It's the judgement day when you will decide who did it and who is guilty?Every criminal has his or her judgment day! and judgment day is your day to show your skills as the town judge.Now is your chance to be the judge and inflict your justice on a wide variety...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 18, 2020
Igra preoblikovanja robota dinozavrov je popolnoma podobna derbiju uničevalne igre divjadi robota v zaprto areno v avtomobilu Robot Field master z vašim edinim orožjem, ki pospešuje dviganje moči in rampe, s katerih lahko skočite. To bo kot nora divja igra z roboti. Dino robotske igre, v...
Version: 1.52 APK - Updated: May 17, 2022
Race off, enter the arena and start drifting! Cars Arena is a 3D physics-based PvP drifting game where you and your racing rivals compete for space on the platform. How's that? Every car leaves a trace behind that makes platform tiles disappear. One wrong turn and you're out of the racing...
Version: 51.12.0 APK - Updated: February 28, 2023
Igrajte v živo v spletnih igralniških namiznih igrah, vključno z blackjackom, pokrom, ruleto, bakaro, kockami in igralniškimi igrami z igralniškimi avtomati z aplikacijo Hard Rock Blackjack & Casino.Vse vaše najljubše namizne igre in vse v eni aplikaciji! video poker z neverjetno 3D...
Version: APK - Updated: October 14, 2022
Hey Gamer! Ready to be a part of the console evolution and make the super cool DIY joystick and gamepad for your play station games?Use stencil art, spray paint, color and stickers to create the image you like on your custom joystick.DIY Joystick is a creative game just as the DIY keyboard art, but...
Version: 2.631 APK - Updated: November 26, 2020
Živite nepozabno pustolovščino Fractal Space, edinstvene pustolovske in puzzle igre!Skočite preko laserjev, izogibajte se groznim žagam, izmikajte velikanskim drobilnikom, uporabite svoj jetpack in Taser pištolo, da razmislite o ugankah te skrivnostne vesoljske postaje.Boste razrešili...
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: December 21, 2022
Power Girls are moving into their skyscraper penthouse at the top of the city! Fuse fantastic superhero girls & hatch new Power Girls from traveling capsules! Complete your cute magical collection, play fun mini games, and protect the city from villains!Play & win mini games and fit the...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: November 05, 2022
Predstavljamo to zbirko iger Tellmewow za razvoj logike in sklepanja. Zabavne igre za vso družino, ki na igriv način spodbujajo vaš um. Ta igra je primerna za vse vrste ljudi, od najmlajših do starejših in starejših igralcev.VRSTE IGER- Številčna zaporedja- Preproste matematične operacije...