Briscola originale Dal Negro

Briscola originale Dal Negro

原始的briscola dal negro

Dal Negro為Android提供了免費的2021年意大利野外遊戲,這是唯一具有原始卡片的人,因為這幾代人是您的家人的快樂時光。從100年前開始是世界上意大利卓越表現的象徵。 {#}在許多可用的briscola遊戲中,請務必免費選擇唯一的原始原件,當心模仿!{#} {#}您可以獨自玩耍在三個不同級別的難度下,專家級別肯定是具有挑戰性的,只對真正強大的球員來說! dal negro。{#} {#}在所有16個原始意大利區域牌的16個甲板中選擇撲克和西班牙甲板:{#} napoletane {#} piacentine {#} siciliane {siciliane Milanesi {#} toscane {#} Bergamasche {#} BOLOGNESI {#} Bresciane {#} Genovesi {#} piemontesi {piemontesi {#} romagnole #}西班牙語{#} {#}您可以使用許多可用背景之一自定義表格,並在許多有趣的字符中選擇您的個人資料。{#} {#}遊戲在肖像或景觀中都會自動定向,以便給您您有機會使用智能手機和平板電腦。 Scopa和Asso Piglia tutto。{#}很快就會出售許多其他遊戲:Solitaire,Buraco,Treestette,Scopone Scientifico,Tombola,Bingo,Bingo,Checkers,Checkers,Checkers,Checkers,Checkers,Checkers,Checkers and of Fot。{#} {#} {#} {#}黑人不是賭注,不可能押注或贏得真錢和獎品。註冊玩家有機會賺取虛擬硬幣,其唯一目的是使遊戲更加有趣和令人興奮。{#} {#}有關每個信息或建議寫入[email protected] {#} {#} {#} facebook:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https:https: //

Download Briscola originale Dal Negro 4.1.6 APK

Briscola originale Dal Negro 4.1.6
價格: Free
當前版本: 4.1.6
安裝: 1000000
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.6 out of 5)
評級用戶: 13,260
要求: Android 4.4+
內容等級: Everyone
軟件包名稱: com.digitalmoka.briscoladalnegro

What's New in Briscola-Dal-Negro 4.1.6

    We are constantly working to improve our games!
    Update the app and you will receive a reward!
    In this version you will find:
    - fixed a bug that, in some situations, blocked the game at the end of the match
    - the first nickname change is free
    - every time you update the app, you will receive a reward
    - improved referral system for friend invitations
    - bug fixes and minor improvements