Untitled Factory Game

Untitled Factory Game

Bouw een fabriek. Dingen maken. Geld verdienen.

Momenteel gebaseerd op de basisprincipes van Assemblagelijn, maar we hebben plannen om ons in een heel andere richting te ontwikkelen.

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Untitled Factory Game
Prijs: Free
Huidige Versie: Varies with device
Installeren: 50000
Beoordelingsgemiddelde: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Vereisten: Android Varies with device
Inhoudsbeoordeling: Everyone
Pakketnaam: com.stents.factory

What's New in Untitled-Factory-Game

    - First few stages of tutorial
    - Item assembly via robotic arms (currently only one item can be assembled: hover boards)
    - Painter machine to customise items
    - Conveyors now have limited space and items will get clogged if you try feeding too many items through one belt or machine (Note: this is a WIP and is not currently fully implemented)
    - Bug fixes