Untitled Factory Game
Zbuduj fabrykę. Produkuj rzeczy. Zarabiaj pieniądze.
Obecnie opieramy się na podstawach linii montażowej, jednak mamy plany rozwoju w zupełnie innym kierunku.
Download Untitled Factory Game APK
Aktualna Wersja: Varies with device
Instalacje: 50000
Średnia Ocena:
(5.0 out of 5)
Android Varies with device
Ocena Treści: Everyone
Nazwa Pakietu: com.stents.factory
What's New in Untitled-Factory-Game
- First few stages of tutorial
- Item assembly via robotic arms (currently only one item can be assembled: hover boards)
- Painter machine to customise items
- Conveyors now have limited space and items will get clogged if you try feeding too many items through one belt or machine (Note: this is a WIP and is not currently fully implemented)
- Bug fixes