US Electoral Map
Phatha isizwe sabantu abahlukahlukene futhi balingisa lonke ukhetho!
Sekungamakhulu eminyaka, ikusasa laseMelika likhethwe emcimbini onomphumela owodwa kuphela. Lolu khetho seluvotelwe ngabantu baseMelika futhi lubangelwa nguMongameli olungile. Kodwa-ke, nange-US Election Simulator izizwa zikhululekile ukwenza noma yini oyifunayo! Nikeza iCalifornia eRepublican noma eKansas eya kumaDemocrats! Ungahle ukhethe imiphumela futhi udale umlando ohlukile! Ukukhetha kungokwakho nge-US Election Simulator!
Usuku lokuqala: Mashi 26, 2018 {Apreli}
Lithium Productions 2018
Usuku lokuqala: Mashi 26, 2018 {Apreli}
Lithium Productions 2018
Download US Electoral Map 1.1 APK
Current Version: 1.1
Installs: 10000
Rating average:
(2.7 out of 5)
Rating users:
Android 2.3+
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.Lithium.USElectoralSim
What's New in US-Electoral-Map 1.1
-New state activation has decreased total size of game by 4 MB.
-Support for French and Chinese added.
-2 new political parties (Libertarian and Green) increase playability and the number of unique scenarios is now 6250000!
-New settings add more options for specially adjusting your simulation
-UI was revamped and the "Electoral Votes Counter" glitch is finally fixed for tablets
-Settings icon is now a gear