Wooden Block Puzzle

Wooden Block Puzzle

Gwema izithiyo ngenkathi wakhe imigqa ebhodini usebenzisa izingcezu ze-wokhuni.

Umdlalo uveza ibhodi nezicucu zebhukhi. Inhloso yalo mdlalo ukwakha imigqa ngokuqondile kanye / noma ngokuvundlile ebhodini usebenzisa izingcezu zebhulokhi ngenkathi ugwema izithiyo. [# # }
Izingcezu zebhukhi lokhuni zingashintshwa ngokuthepha kuzo futhi zibekwe ebhodini ngokubadonsela ngomunwe wakho.

Izingqinamba zivela ngesimo seziqu zesihlahla. Lezi ziqu zivela ngezikhathi ezingahleliwe ngesikhathi somdlalo futhi kufanele zibekwe ebhodini futhi.

Kusukela iziqu zisebenza njengezithiyo, zikuvimbela ekubeni yimigqa emigqeni kumakholomu kanye nemigqa lapho ibekwa khona. avele? Le midlalo ukuphela kwendlela yokuqeda lezi zihlahla zezihlahla ngakho-ke kufanele usebenzise umentshisi ngobuhlakani. Umgomo wakho ukulenga kulo mdlalo isikhathi eside ngangokunokwenzeka ngenkathi uzama ukuthola amaphuzu aphezulu.

Umdlalo inselele, emnandi futhi umlutha.

Ifaka amazinga amane wobunzima futhi lawo mazinga yile:

okulula: Izici zegridi eziyi-12x12 Ifaka igridi engu-8x8.

Insane: Ifaka igridi engu-6x6.

Download Wooden Block Puzzle 4.2 APK

Wooden Block Puzzle 4.2
Price: Free
Current Version: 4.2
Installs: 10,000+
Rating average: aggregate Rating (4.1 out of 5)
Rating users: 16
Requirements: Android 4.4+
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: net.guesstheword.woodenblockpuzzle

What's New in Wooden-Block-Puzzle 4.2

    Version 4.2: Fixed tutorial text.

    Previous releases:

    Instant support. RTL fixes.

    This latest release of Wooden Block Puzzle is a must upgrade. The game is faster, smarter and features sharper graphics. Google Play exclusive features have also been added.

    Note that high scores from the previous version(s) of the game may not be visible in the leaderboards immediately. Instead, they will show up on the next sync.You must be signed into Google Play Services for these features to work.