Zombie Survival - Build and Survive

Zombie Survival - Build and Survive


您可以在一個充滿殭屍的島上生存嗎?殭屍生存 - 建築和生存是一個開放世界TPS -FPS生存遊戲。收集必要的材料,建造庇護所,點燃篝火。一個艱難的夜晚在等你。去森林找到食物,但要小心,你並不孤單。殭屍將在等您,但它們並不是唯一要恐懼的事情。其他倖存者可以將您用於他們的利益。你甚至可能死。祝您好運。{#} {#}您還可以在Team Death Match(TDM)中與您的朋友在多人遊戲模式下與您的朋友作戰!{#} {#} {#} {#} **功能**功能** {#} 1)單獨或與朋友一起玩。{ #} 2)播放多人生存或團隊死亡匹配。{#} 3)不斷開發的4個地圖。{#} 4 )播放LAN連接,設置服務器。{#} 5)服務器,設置服務器。{#} 6)30個武器。{#} 7)50個項目。{#} 8)工具。{#} 9)舒適的控件。{#} {#} {#}*播放乘數:http:http:http: //www.emredokuz.online/howtoplay.php {#} {#}* follow我們的Instagram頁面:https:// www.instagram.com/zombiesurvivalbns {#}* new MultiPlayer Server!服務器list => http://www.emredokuz.online/serverlist.php {#pr {#} {#}*服務器文件:http://www.emredokuz.online/serverfile.php到您的虛擬服務器並創建自己的遊戲。)

Zombie Survival - Build and Survive Video Trailer or Demo


Download Zombie Survival - Build and Survive 2.5 APK

Zombie Survival - Build and Survive 2.5
價格: Free
當前版本: 2.5
安裝: 50,000+
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (3.6 out of 5)
評級用戶: 935
要求: Android 4.1+
內容等級: Teen
軟件包名稱: com.EmreDokuz.Zsbns

What's New in Zombie-Survival-Build-and-Survive 2.5

    * New Jadetown map.
    * New police vehicle and ambulance.
    * New Sportswoman character.
    * New flare.
    * Weapons and items have been updated. They are more realistic now!
    * Chat bug fixed. (After typing your message, you can send it by tapping the same button twice.)
    * Loots have been increased.
    * Optimizations have been applied.
    * Fixed a bug in cutscenes.
    * Server List => http://www.emredokuz.online/serverlist.php
    * Server file: http://www.emredokuz.online/serverfile.php