Balance GO

Balance GO

Équilibrez le ballon et gagnez le jeu! Équilibrez le jeu du ballon et gagnez!

Balance the ball and win the game!
Topu dengele ve oyunu kazan!

The highest quality gaming experience in this game, there's a balance!
Bu oyun en kaliteli denge oyunu deneyimi!

A new update every 15 days!
Her 15 günde bir yeni bir güncelleme!

Balance GO Video Trailer or Demo


Download Balance GO 1.4 APK

Balance GO 1.4
Prix: $0.99 Free
Version Actuelle: 1.4
Installations: 1,000+
Moyenne De Notation: aggregate Rating (3.6 out of 5)
Utilisateurs De Notation: 20
Exigences: Android 4.4+
Cote De Contenu: Everyone
Nom De Package: com.YourCompany.BalanceGO

What's New in Balance-GO 1.4

    artık tüm cihazlarla(tablertler dahil)uyumlu
    Now compatible with all devices (including tabs)

    Update every 15 days

    Regulated and renewed:(yenigelenler ve düzeltilenler)
    3.level corrected
    3.level düzeltildi

    The settings menu came to the screen
    Ayarlar sekmesi eklendi ve ekrana geldi

    Added leveler tab with all leveler open
    Tüm seviyelerin açık olduğu seviye tablasını ekledi