Rubik's Universe

Rubik's Universe

Den bedste Rubiks Cube! Lær at løse det!. Se hvordan programmet gør det!

Download the best rubik's cube app!, you won't have to wait, you will have it always in your phone!

Learn to solve the Rubik's cube, thanks to it solving algorithm (available in the free version).

With a disorder algorithm that uses chains of random movements based in the one used at the international tournaments.
Orbit around the cube and do zoom in/out for a better usability.
With different movement velocities. (premium version)

and much more!

NEW!: 3x3 Pyramid, 3x3 Labyrinth and 3x3 Asymmetric! Enjoy them!

Download Rubik's Universe 8 APK

Rubik's Universe 8
Pris: Free
Nuværende Version: 8
Installerer: 100,000+
Bedømmelsesgennemsnit: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Krav: Android 4.0+
Indholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakningsnavn: com.eReality.rubiksUIniverse

What's New in Rubiks-Universe 8

    Bugs that made the application to stop fixed.
    New and improved game interface.
    2x2, 3x3 assymetric, 3x3 labyrinth and 3x3 pyramid added! and the module that solves them!
    New Undo/Redo buttons (5 movements)
    Records screen improved.
    You can now save one cube of each type to keep your progresses!
    Minor bugs that confere stability to the app.