Trolls vs Vikings

Trolls vs Vikings


如果您是出色的塔防禦和戰略遊戲的粉絲,那麼這是您的下一個必不可少的遊戲! {#} {#}在巨魔與維京人中,您探索了一個令人驚嘆而鬱鬱蔥蔥的幻想世界,在這裡,巨魔,維京人和北歐眾神之間的史詩般的戰鬥盛行。 {#} {#}充滿了驚人的遊戲玩法,多樣性和出色的角色,它很容易理解為什麼巨魔與維京人在70多個國家/地區成為前5名策略遊戲,而在近130個國家中,這是前10名! {#}{#}你在等什麼?是時候去巨魔了!

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Download Trolls vs Vikings 2.7.23 APK

Trolls vs Vikings 2.7.23
價格: Free
當前版本: 2.7.23
安裝: 100,000+
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.0 out of 5)
評級用戶: 9,065
要求: Android 2.3.3+
內容等級: Everyone 10+
軟件包名稱: com.megapopgames.trolls

What's New in Trolls-vs-Vikings 2.7.23

    * We have removed all premium item purchases. All former real money items are now priced in gold.

    * Access to moonstone resources is therefore easier to get hold of, making the game even more fun.

    * We have updated our daily quest system.

    *Guard has seen a slightly reduced cooldown to make him even more helpful.

    * We have revamped our Social System so you can invite friends via more options.

    * We have removed most of the pop-ups asking you to buy real money items

    * Many bug fixes and so