Chess Queen, Knight and King Problem

Chess Queen, Knight and King Problem

rainha da xadrez, cavaleiro e problema rei

Esticar a sua imaginação com EstE jogo dE xadrEz quEbra-cabEça !!!

EstE jogo é um problEma dE xadrEz basEado Em rainhas, cavalEiros E rEis.

Sua tarEfa é lugar númEro máximo dE rainhas, cavalEiros E rEis Em um tabulEiro dE xadrEz dE tal manEira uma para quE o númEro dE rainhas, númEro dE kinights E númEro dE rEis são iguais E nEnhum dElEs podE atacar outra.

Colocação sErá tal quE a rainha não podE atacar outras rainhas, cavalEiros E rEis, cavalEiro não podE atacar outros
rainhas, cavalEiros E rEis, E o rEi não podE atacar outras rainhas, cavalEiros E rEis i.E. quEEns, knights and kings
will havE to bE placEd in non attacking modE.

you will win if you can achiEvE thE configuration.

try to achiEvE this configurations or any bEttEr configuration as many ways as you can !!!

you can ExpErimEnt with various combinations of piEcEs for optimum placEmEnt likE :

maximum numbEr of quEEns and knights placEmEnt.

maximum numbEr of quEEns and kings placEmEnt.

maximum numbEr of knights and kings placEmEnt.

you will loosE thE gamE in all thE casEs but you can continuE thE gamE by undoing thE last movEs.
(by cancElling thE dialog box)

you can placE 3 quEEns, 3 knights and 6 kings on thE chEssboard so that all thE 64 cElls arE occupiEd or undEr attack (or dEfEndEd).

you can also play 8 quEEns problEm, 32 knights problEm and you can placE 5 or 6 quEEns in such a way that no othEr piEcE (quEEn, knight or king) can bE placEd on thE board.

lots of othEr fascinating gamEs involving various combinations of only quEEn, knight and king can bE playEd with this app.

but in thEsE casEs you will loosE thE gamE.

quEEns, knights and kings follow thE standard chEss rulEs.

last movEd piEcE (quEEn, knight or king) is rEprEsEntEd by rEd boundary.

quEEn button is to placE quEEn on thE board.

knight button is to placE knight on thE board.

king button is to placE king on thE board.

by dEfault quEEn is sElEctEd at gamE startup.

hint button will show all thE possiblE movEs rEmaining.
(cElls undEr attack by combination of piEcEs may not bE shown by grEEn dots)

grEEn dots dEnotE that thE cEll is alrEady covErEd by a piEcE (quEEn, knight, king or all).

playing instructions can bE found from gamE options mEnu.

undo button rEvErts back thE last movE.

clEar button clEars thE chEss board.

if you touch a alrEady occupiEd cEll it will show thE cElls covErEd by that piEcE by grEEn dots.

this gamE is absolutEly frEE, contains no-ads or in-app purchasEs.

incasE of any bug, plEasE Email mE.

Download Chess Queen, Knight and King Problem 1.0 APK

Chess Queen, Knight and King Problem 1.0
Preço: Free
Versão Atual: 1.0
Instalações: 10+
Média De Classificação: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requisitos: Android 2.2+
Classificação Do Conteúdo: Everyone
Nome Do Pacote: ara.adrija.jqukniking

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