Mars Colony MMO
hra Warrior MMO Game
In 2051 a Russian survey drone discovered gold and plutonium on Mars.
Therefor Russian government decide to colonize Mars, but all others countries want the same.
5 governments decided to send big Robots to colonize the planet.
Mars Colony is a first person Multiplayer game, where you have to control your Mech robot, upgrade your weapons to increase your ability to dominate the others teams.
For this, you have to protect your base by killing your opponents, and colonize more base.
Some drones will stay around your base and opponents base to protect them.
Up to 300 concurrent players will be able to play on the same server.
Therefor Russian government decide to colonize Mars, but all others countries want the same.
5 governments decided to send big Robots to colonize the planet.
Mars Colony is a first person Multiplayer game, where you have to control your Mech robot, upgrade your weapons to increase your ability to dominate the others teams.
For this, you have to protect your base by killing your opponents, and colonize more base.
Some drones will stay around your base and opponents base to protect them.
Up to 300 concurrent players will be able to play on the same server.
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Súčasná Verzia: Varies with device
Inštalovať: 10,000+
(5.0 out of 5)
Android Varies with device
Hodnotenie Obsahu: Everyone
Názov Balíka: com.zugsoft.marscolony