Combat Troopers 2 - Battlegrounds Unknown

Combat Troopers 2 - Battlegrounds Unknown


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Combat Troopers 2 - Battlegrounds Unknown Video Trailer or Demo


Download Combat Troopers 2 - Battlegrounds Unknown 2 APK

Combat Troopers 2 - Battlegrounds Unknown 2
價格: Free
當前版本: 2
安裝: 100+
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.2 out of 5)
評級用戶: 10
要求: Android 4.1+
內容等級: Teen
軟件包名稱: com.PoshToffeeGames.CombatTroopers2

What's New in Combat-Troopers-2-Battlegrounds-Unknown 2

    * Fixed buttons not showing
    * Fixed Intro loading crash
    * Fixed LOD bug with low graphics settings
    * Various fixes
    * Stable Release
    * Fixed Ads not showing
    * Fixed bug that stopped you being able to
    replay the game after completing it