Advanced 2048 Number Game

Advanced 2048 Number Game

Prøv avansert versjon av 2048.

¦¦¦ -: Game instructions :- ¦¦¦

► Swipe (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move the tiles.
► When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one.
► When 2048 tile is created, the player wins!

Example: 2+2=4 ... 4+4=8 ... When a 2048 tile is created, the player wins.

► One twist is that you will find a random multiplication tile in the game surprisingly.
► Just merge it with any tile and it will multiplied with target tile.

Example: Your tile is [64] and you find tile[*2] then you got [128] after merging.

[Game Features and Advantages]

►+◄ The only game version in Google play which works on almost EVERY android devices starting from 2.3+
►+◄ Swipes works for whole screen area
►+◄ Smoothest Android version implementation!
►+◄ Frequent game improvements based on your feedback and comments
►+◄ Completely native
►+◄ Clear and simple U.I
►+◄ Supports all devices including tablets

►+◄ No Special Permissions to Install this game in your device

→ Classic2048 - PlayStore Link :
→ Reversed2048 - PlayStore Link :
→ Rotated2048 - PlayStore Link :

Visit for our more apps and games : (PlayStore Link)

Thank you,
ReadFlipBook Team.

Download Advanced 2048 Number Game 1.1 APK

Advanced 2048 Number Game 1.1
Pris: Free
Gjeldende Versjon: 1.1
Installerer: 100+
Rangeringsgjennomsnitt: aggregate Rating (4.8 out of 5)
Rating Brukere: 5
Krav: Android 2.3+
Innholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakkenavn: com.rfb.advancedpuzzle

What's New in Advanced-2048-Number-Game 1.1

    ► Tablet Optimized

    ► Decreased Size of the game (Light Weight Game)...

    ► Fixed some bugs...