Little Red and Professor Wolf (demo version)
Bojujte proti zlému profesorovi Wolfovi, abyste osvobodili babičku.
Fight against the evil Professor Wolf to free your granny.
Little Red and Professor Wolf is an independent adventure/plateformer game
developed by Salem Games.
Little Red and Professor Wolf is an independent adventure/plateformer game
developed by Salem Games.
Little Red and Professor Wolf (demo version) Video Trailer or Demo
Download Little Red and Professor Wolf (demo version) 1.132 APK
Aktuální Verze: 1.132
Instaluje: 1+
Průměr Hodnocení:
(5.0 out of 5)

Android 4.1+
Hodnocení Obsahu: Teen
Název Balíčku: com.salemgames.littleredandprofessorwolfdemo
What's New in Little-Red-and-Professor-Wolf-demo-version 1.132
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