

Spill online eller mot AI. Enkel og lett å spille. Prøv nå!

Domino-spill med attraktiv grafikk og tilpassbare regler.
Spillet er helt gratis og har ikke en betalt versjon.
Med 150 000 aktive spillere. Nå på nett!
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Download Dominoes APK

Pris: Free
Gjeldende Versjon: Varies with device
Installerer: 10000000
Rangeringsgjennomsnitt: aggregate Rating (4.0 out of 5)
Rating Brukere: 72,678
Krav: Android Varies with device
Innholdsvurdering: Everyone

What's New in Dominoes

    Many interface fixes.
    Changed scoring method for teams.
    Improved usability.
    All buttons have sound.
    And many small improvements.

    This version doesn't bring many new features, but it greatly improves the gameplay.

    Please continue to share your suggestions and bugs with me so that together we can make dominoes as stable as possible.
    More news coming soon!