Choice of the Star Captain

Choice of the Star Captain

The hilarious interactive sci-fi inoveli lapho ukulawula umlingisi lomcoka!

Yilwa emigqeni phambi impi phakathi humanity kanye Blobs embi. (Not ukuthi ubani ngempela babona Blob up close, kodwa wonke umuntu uyazi ukuthi babe tentacles. Impela bayazivikela kwesabeka!) Qhubekani nomsebenzi stealth, run blockades alien, futhi aphenye namaplanethi ezixakayo, "esizwa" by Lloyd, shipboard yakho insufferably obnoxious computer.

Choice of the Star Captain iyona hilarious interactive yesayensi-fiction inoveli lapho izinqumo zakho anqume indlela ukuqhutshwa indaba. Umdlalo ngokuphelele ematheksthi - ngaphandle ihluzo noma nemisindo - kodwa powered by the enkulukazi, amandla unstoppable of emcabangweni wakho.

Ngokwesibonelo, ake sithi Lloyd wena uye ukwaziswa nje ukuthi umkhumbi wakho ngeke bamane batheleke izwe on the moon ehlathini Cygnus Delta ngo 93 seconds. Uzokwenzani?

A) Balula elite amakhono akho piloting ukuze babalekele ubunzima inyanga kahle.
B) Mema Lloyd umhlaba umkhumbi ngokwakhe, uma kunjalo smart.
C) Yenza isinqumo nabanokuqonda, futhi zama lihlala phezu inyanga esikhundleni lokuzama a Ukuphunyuka okuyingozi.
D) Chitha last 93 seconds of impilo yakho gleefully ukushayisa screen Lloyd nge isipanere torque.

Humanity idinga wena, Star Captain! Ingabe ukunqoba Blobs nize ekhaya njengoba hero impi? Ingabe ngibambulele imfihlo okwabangela ayehlasela Blob? Ingabe ukhonza njengomdala inxusa futhi ukukholisa Blobs onga uhlanga lwesintu? Nguwena ongazikhethela.

Download Choice of the Star Captain 1.2.5 APK

Choice of the Star Captain 1.2.5
Price: $3.99
Current Version: 1.2.5
Installs: 5,000+
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android 4.4+
Content Rating: Teen
Package name: com.choiceofgames.starcaptain

What's New in Choice-of-the-Star-Captain 1.2.5

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