精英殺手3D - Elite Killer

精英殺手3D - Elite Killer


《精英殺手》是一款現代軍事題材的第一人稱射擊(fps)遊戲,在遊戲中你將扮演一名訓練有素的特種士兵,與遍布全球的神秘恐怖組織“辛迪加”進行對抗。深入敵後,剿滅恐怖分子的各個基地,一步步探尋有用線索,最終找出“辛迪加”的幕後操作者,將恐怖集團一舉殲滅,你就是捍衛正義的英雄!《精英殺手》搭載移動設備上最身臨其境的fps射擊體驗,讓你感受無與倫比的射擊快感。不管你是射擊新手,還是久經考驗的神槍手,這款遊戲都能讓你領略到射擊遊戲的無限樂趣。遍布全球的16 地域場景、30 高度擬真的戰鬥槍械、100 極具挑戰的任務關卡、多樣化的玩法模式、與全球玩家的聯機競技,這一切已悉數就位,等你來戰!戰場危機重重,尖端武器層出不窮,你是否能穿過槍林彈雨,完成重重挑戰,撐到最後,你,就是精英殺手!遊戲特色:- 超寫實的3d畫面,- 100 極具挑戰關卡、16 遍布全球場景- 30 高度擬真的戰鬥槍械- 全球玩家聯機競技,熱血對抗---aim and shoot! leave no squad mate behind in this action oriented first person shooter game! elite killer is the #1 realistic 3d fps game available on google play.you are a well trained elite member of special weapons and tactics teams. equipped with sub-machine guns, sniper rifles and stun grenades, you will navigate secret missions across the globe to eradicate the evil syndicate that stands in the way of a peaceful world. it is time to load out your firearms and get your 5 star fps fix! let the bullets fly now!game features:- boasting spectacular graphics and blistering action sequences- 30 real world weapons and 100 challenging levels in dozens of worldwide themes- local mission mode and online pvp mode

Download 精英殺手3D - Elite Killer 1.5.4 APK

精英殺手3D - Elite Killer 1.5.4
價格: Free
當前版本: 1.5.4
安裝: 50000000
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.4 out of 5)
評級用戶: 418,582
要求: Android Varies with device
內容等級: Mature 17+
包裹名字: com.yx.sniper

What's New in Elite-Killer-SWAT 1.5.4

    Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.