Lion Run
Lion Run - runner igre. Boj s sovražniki, zbira hrano, zmagal!
Premagovanje ovir, teči, boj s sovražniki, ubiti, osvojiti in zaslužite točke!
Lion Run je novo brezplačno runner tip igra, ki vam bo omogočilo, da se naseljujejo telo leva v Afriki. Mala Lion je bil živi s svojo družino v Kenia dokler ga ugrabili pirati. Na srečo se je ladja, na kateri je bil poslan Lion, je med nevihto potonila. Zdaj Lion je na zahodu Afrike. Želi se vrniti v svojo družino v Kenia. Nahajate se dogaja, da bi mu pomagal opraviti nalogo.
Lion Run je sestavljen iz sedmih fazah levji življenja. V prvi lev je majhen in nebogljen. Z vsako stopnjo Lion pridobi dodatna znanja in pooblastil, ki mu bo pomagalo ukvarjati s svojimi sovražniki. Ko odraste, bo moral biti dovolj močan, da bi našli pot do svojega doma. Do takrat bo Dino morali premagati številne druge nevarne živali in šefi, ki stojijo na poti (boj) v načinu VS in premagovanje težavnih ovir (kosti, kače, trnje, kamni, lava, geisers in tako naprej).
Za zmago in postal kralj Afrike imate za dokončanje vseh ravneh, zbirajo hrano in razviti sposobnosti levji. Povabite svoje prijatelje, da igrajo z vami in primerjajo svoje rezultate. Biti najboljši in popolno 63 stopenj!
Ne pozabite, da obiščete levji jami. Tam si lahko ogledate kot raste znak, ogled svojo zbirko trofej in tudi njegovih dodatnih pooblastil: Slow Motion, dvojni skok in Tough Skin.
V igri lahko najdete različne spieces prostoživečih živali (obe rastlinojede živali in zveri): rhino, gazela, leopard, gepard, vulture.
Ta arkadna & pustolovščina (2015) ima HD grafiko. To bo kul in enostaven tako za otroke (dekleta, fantje) in odrasle. Igra ima neskončno način, misij in možnost, da zagotovi posebno kodo.
Plen, napad, prevladujejo, teči, zmago v bitki, zmago v vojni! Bodi safari morilec! Bodi lovec! Razvijajo svojo leva, da je kralj divji svet.
Če imate kakšne ideje za igro - kontaktirajte nas:
[email protected]
Mi smo dobili srečnejši z vsako od vašega e-poštnega sporočila.
Overcome obstacles, run, fight with enemies, kill, win and earn points!
Lion Run is a new free runner type game that will allow you to inhabit the body of a lion in Africa. Small Lion had been living with his family in Kenia until he has been kidnapped by pirates. Fortunately, the ship on which Lion was shipped, has sank during a storm. Now Lion is in the West of Africa. He wants to return to his family in Kenia. You are going to help him carry out the task.
Lion Run consists of the seven stages of Lion’s life. In the first the lion is small and helpless. With each stage Lion gains additional skills and powers that will help him deal with his foes. When he grows up, he will be strong enough to find the way to his home. Until then, Dino will have to overcome many other dangerous animals and bosses that stand in his way (fighting) in VS mode and overcome difficult obstacles (bones, snakes, thorns, stones, lava, geisers and so on).
To win and become the king of the Africa you have to complete all the levels, collect food and develop Lion’s capabilities. Invite your friends to play with you and compare your scores. Be the best and complete 63 levels!
Do not forget to visit Lion’s Cave. There you can watch as the character grows, view his collection of trophies and also his extra powers: Slow Motion, Double Jump and Tough Skin.
In the game you can find variety spieces of wild animals (both herbivores and carnivores): rhino, gazelle, leopard, cheetah, vulture.
This arcade & adventure game (2015) has HD graphics. It will be cool and easy both for kids (girls, boys) and adults. Game has the endless mode, missions and option to provide a special code.
Prey, attack, dominate, run, win the battle, win the war! Be the safari killer! Be the hunter! Evolve your lion to be the king the wild world.
If you have any ideas for the game - contact us:
[email protected]
We are getting happier with each of your email message.
Lion Run je novo brezplačno runner tip igra, ki vam bo omogočilo, da se naseljujejo telo leva v Afriki. Mala Lion je bil živi s svojo družino v Kenia dokler ga ugrabili pirati. Na srečo se je ladja, na kateri je bil poslan Lion, je med nevihto potonila. Zdaj Lion je na zahodu Afrike. Želi se vrniti v svojo družino v Kenia. Nahajate se dogaja, da bi mu pomagal opraviti nalogo.
Lion Run je sestavljen iz sedmih fazah levji življenja. V prvi lev je majhen in nebogljen. Z vsako stopnjo Lion pridobi dodatna znanja in pooblastil, ki mu bo pomagalo ukvarjati s svojimi sovražniki. Ko odraste, bo moral biti dovolj močan, da bi našli pot do svojega doma. Do takrat bo Dino morali premagati številne druge nevarne živali in šefi, ki stojijo na poti (boj) v načinu VS in premagovanje težavnih ovir (kosti, kače, trnje, kamni, lava, geisers in tako naprej).
Za zmago in postal kralj Afrike imate za dokončanje vseh ravneh, zbirajo hrano in razviti sposobnosti levji. Povabite svoje prijatelje, da igrajo z vami in primerjajo svoje rezultate. Biti najboljši in popolno 63 stopenj!
Ne pozabite, da obiščete levji jami. Tam si lahko ogledate kot raste znak, ogled svojo zbirko trofej in tudi njegovih dodatnih pooblastil: Slow Motion, dvojni skok in Tough Skin.
V igri lahko najdete različne spieces prostoživečih živali (obe rastlinojede živali in zveri): rhino, gazela, leopard, gepard, vulture.
Ta arkadna & pustolovščina (2015) ima HD grafiko. To bo kul in enostaven tako za otroke (dekleta, fantje) in odrasle. Igra ima neskončno način, misij in možnost, da zagotovi posebno kodo.
Plen, napad, prevladujejo, teči, zmago v bitki, zmago v vojni! Bodi safari morilec! Bodi lovec! Razvijajo svojo leva, da je kralj divji svet.
Če imate kakšne ideje za igro - kontaktirajte nas:
[email protected]
Mi smo dobili srečnejši z vsako od vašega e-poštnega sporočila.
Overcome obstacles, run, fight with enemies, kill, win and earn points!
Lion Run is a new free runner type game that will allow you to inhabit the body of a lion in Africa. Small Lion had been living with his family in Kenia until he has been kidnapped by pirates. Fortunately, the ship on which Lion was shipped, has sank during a storm. Now Lion is in the West of Africa. He wants to return to his family in Kenia. You are going to help him carry out the task.
Lion Run consists of the seven stages of Lion’s life. In the first the lion is small and helpless. With each stage Lion gains additional skills and powers that will help him deal with his foes. When he grows up, he will be strong enough to find the way to his home. Until then, Dino will have to overcome many other dangerous animals and bosses that stand in his way (fighting) in VS mode and overcome difficult obstacles (bones, snakes, thorns, stones, lava, geisers and so on).
To win and become the king of the Africa you have to complete all the levels, collect food and develop Lion’s capabilities. Invite your friends to play with you and compare your scores. Be the best and complete 63 levels!
Do not forget to visit Lion’s Cave. There you can watch as the character grows, view his collection of trophies and also his extra powers: Slow Motion, Double Jump and Tough Skin.
In the game you can find variety spieces of wild animals (both herbivores and carnivores): rhino, gazelle, leopard, cheetah, vulture.
This arcade & adventure game (2015) has HD graphics. It will be cool and easy both for kids (girls, boys) and adults. Game has the endless mode, missions and option to provide a special code.
Prey, attack, dominate, run, win the battle, win the war! Be the safari killer! Be the hunter! Evolve your lion to be the king the wild world.
If you have any ideas for the game - contact us:
[email protected]
We are getting happier with each of your email message.
Download Lion Run APK
Current Version: Varies with device
Installs: 500,000+
Rating average:
(4.1 out of 5)
Rating users:
Android Varies with device
Content Rating: Teen
Package name: pl.netigen.lion