HyperRogue Gold

HyperRogue Gold

A Tactical puzzle / roguelike on a plane hyperbolic.

Ungumdlali oyedwa oyedwa ezweni elingaziwa, elingelona i-Euclidean. Gcina ingcebo eningi ngangokunokwenzeka ngaphambi kokuba izilo ezimbi zikuthole. Hlola imihlaba eminingana ehlukene, ngayinye enezingcebo zayo ezihlukile, izitha, kanye nezakhiwo zomhlaba. Ukufuna kwakho ukuthola ukuthola umcebo ovelele, i-Orbs of Yendor. Qoqa omunye wabo ukuze anqobe! Noma nje ungayinaki imfuno yakho bese uqoqa ingcebo encane.

I-twist yi-geometry eyingqayizivele, engavamile yezwe: ingenye yemidlalo embalwa nje eyenzekayo endizeni ye-hyperbolic. Gcwalisa igridi eyakhiwa ngama-hexagon kanye nama-heptagons, imigqa eqondile ebonakala sengathi ihambisana, kodwa-ke ihlukanisa futhi ingalokothi iwele, i-triangles engama-angles engeza ngaphansi kwama-degrees angama-180, ukuthi akunakwenzeka kangakanani ukuba kufinyelele endaweni efanayo kabili, nokuthi umhlaba ubonakala ujikelezwa uma ubuyela. Konke lokhu kuyindaba ye-gameplay.

Dlala i- HyperRogue Gold ukusekela ukuthuthukiswa kwe-HyperRogue (nayo inezimpumelelo ze-inthanethi namabhodi wabaphambili nge-Google Games Services, nakuba amabhodi wabaphambili ayisebenzi kahle okwamanje). I-HyperRogue Gold iphinde ibuyekezwe kaningi. Uma ufuna uhlelo lokusebenza oluncane, landa i-HyperRogue Lite ngaphandle komculo. Futhi udlale inguqulo yedeskithophu ye-HyperRogue!

Download HyperRogue Gold 12.0b APK

HyperRogue Gold 12.0b
Price: $2.99
Current Version: 12.0b
Installs: 1,000+
Rating average: aggregate Rating (4.7 out of 5)
Rating users: 119
Requirements: Android 4.3+
Content Rating: Teen
Package name: com.roguetemple.hyperroidgold

What's New in HyperRogue-Gold 12.0b


    - the bug with android crashes should be fixed
    - fixed a bug which caused the dice numbers not to be drawn sometimes
    - Orb of Earth no longer marked useless in Cursed Canyon (also it works in a more interesting way there)
    - Canyon Hag's attack now has a sound effect and an animation
    - fixed spurious messages about slashing the Shadow with the energy sword

    * Two new lands: Dice Reserve and Cursed Canyon
    * Many new features and improvements