Coffin Run The Game

Coffin Run The Game

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Download Coffin Run The Game 3.0 APK

Coffin Run The Game 3.0
Cena: Free
Pašreizējā Versija: 3.0
Instalācijas: 100,000+
Vidējais Vērtējums: aggregate Rating (4.2 out of 5)
Vērtēšanas Lietotāji: 6
Prasības: Android 4.4+
Satura Vērtējums: Everyone
Iesaiņojuma Nosaukums: com.PhantomGames.CoffinRunTheGame

What's New in Coffin-Run-The-Game 3.0

    -"Asphalt road" and "Grass+Asphalt road" added to shop.
    -Minor Bug fixes.

    -Coins are on sale now.
    -Achievement and Leaderboard buttons removed temporarily.

    -Shop Updates -- New Game Theme(Medieval Theme) eklendi. All pirces are updated.
    -Added Daily Coin Rewards.
    -Added earning coins with watching ads.
    -Several Optimizations for the glitches happens on Android 6.0 or below.