Tiny Train

Tiny Train

Genius Demiryolu Projesi!

Welcome to the genius railway project!

We sincerely invite the talented you to become our railway planner.
As we all know, railway planning is a challenging task, but we believe that you can do it as a genius!

Plan the railway properly, avoid the forest, cross the bridge and pick up the passengers
Drag the track with your fingers to avoid crossing
Get rich rewards!

Download Tiny Train 0.1.1 APK

Tiny Train 0.1.1
Fiyat: Free
Mevcut Sürüm: 0.1.1
Yükler: 500+
Derecelendirme Ortalaması: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Gereksinim: Android 4.1+
Içerik Derecelendirmesi: Everyone
Paket Adı: com.wawagame.app.tinytrain