Hostage Rescue

Hostage Rescue

Fjern tangos en efter en og redd alle gidsler!

Control a counter terrorist officer and eliminate terrorists one by one to rescue all hostages!

Use the surroundings to stay hidden from the sneaky eyes of patrolling tangos!

Lure them around a corner, swiftly move behind their back to destroy them!

Collect gems to unlock new, faster, agents!

Download Hostage Rescue 0.0.4 APK

Hostage Rescue 0.0.4
Pris: Free
Nuværende Version: 0.0.4
Installerer: 1000
Bedømmelsesgennemsnit: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Krav: Android 5.0+
Indholdsvurdering: Everyone 10+
Pakningsnavn: com.chargedmonkey.hostagerescue