Chipy the Squirrel

Chipy the Squirrel

Londoloza u-Chipy futhi uthole amantongomane antshontshiwe!

Qalisa uhambo olujabulisayo no-Chipy, ingwejeje enelukuluku, kulesi sigcawu se-pixel esihle. Izwa injabulo ye-2D side-scrolling yakudala, okusikhumbuza izinsuku ezimnandi zakudala ze-Amiga ne-C64. U-Chipy unomsebenzi obalulekile - ukubuyisela i-stash yakhe eyigugu yamantongomane amnandi ebusika. Ngeshwa, iqembu lezintuthwane ezinonya liye lawaswayipha. Ungamsiza?


Izindawo Eziyimfihlo: Hlola ubunkimbinkimbi bomdlalo futhi uvule amakhona afihliwe agcwele lezimanga. Ingabe uzowathola amantongomane antshontshiwe ezintuthwaneni?

Imodi Yendaba Ebandakanyayo: Gxila endabeni ethokozisayo ka-Chipy futhi umphelezele emzamweni wakhe wokuthola izinto zakhe ezibalulekile.

Izimfihlo Ezingenakubalwa: Umdlalo ugcwele izindida namagugu afihliwe. Zixazulule ukuze usheshise ukuqhubeka kwakho futhi uthole imivuzo. Yiziphi izimfihlo ezilindele ukutholwa?

Amazinga Ayinselele angama-40: Beka amakhono akho esivivinyweni njengoba udabula emazingeni ahlukahlukene angama-40 agcwele izingibe ezikhohlisayo. Izinga ngalinye liyi-adventure entsha.

I-Cheeky Foes: U-Chipy uzohlangana nenqwaba yezitha ohambweni lwakhe. Ungawanqoba wonke? Sebenzisa ikhono lakhe elikhethekile - i-head-jump - egqugquzelwe izigaba zakudala ezithandwayo.

I-Pixel Art Retro Graphics: Zithokozise ngobuhle be-nostalgic obukubuyisela emuva enkathini yegolide yemidlalo ye-retro. I-Pixel by pixel, umlingo we-retro uyaphila.

I-Sidescroller ye-2D Esheshayo: Jabulela umdlalo we-platformer osheshayo futhi ogcwele isenzo. Sebenzisa i-head-jump ukuze unqobe izithiyo futhi unqobe izitha.

I-Chipy's Adventure: Nut Quest ayinikezi nje kuphela ubumnandi nezinselele kodwa futhi nethuba lokukhumbula inkathi yemidlalo ye-retro. Qalisa lolu hambo olujabulisayo futhi usize u-Chipy ekubuyiseni amantongomane akhe antshontshiwe ezintuthwaneni. Isikhathi sesipiliyoni esiyingqayizivele se-platformer ye-2D!

Chipy the Squirrel Video Trailer or Demo


Download Chipy the Squirrel 23 APK

Chipy the Squirrel 23
Price: Free
Current Version: 23
Installs: 10000
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android 4.1+
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.Hoogames.chipytheSquirrel

What's New in Chipy-the-Squirrel 23

    - jump button improved
    - deleted some frames in the UIs (more performance)
    - level 30 bugfix
    - general improvement (more performance)
    - API and ADK update
    -general Bugfixes