Color Cube fill 3d

Color Cube fill 3d

Skub på skærmen, terningen bevæger sig med din finger

Slide on the screen, the cube moves with your finger and it fill the place with his color, you have to avoid obstacles, and fill in all the blanks to win.

it is necessary to avoid that the cube touches the trace itself.

The location of obstacles and walls are generalized randomly.

Let's go

Download Color Cube fill 3d colorcubefill3d APK

Color Cube fill 3d colorcubefill3d
Pris: Free
Nuværende Version: colorcubefill3d
Installerer: 1,000+
Bedømmelsesgennemsnit: aggregate Rating (4.2 out of 5)
Bedømmelsesbrugere: 5
Krav: Android 4.4+
Indholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakningsnavn: net.lamber.colorcube3ffill