

Alias ​​je skvelá hra na hranie so svojimi priateľmi a rodinou!

The game Alias is suitable for a cozy pastime with your family and for a fun company too.

Choose any of 4 dictionaries in any language: English, German, Latvian, Russian and score points for your team, explaining and guessing words.

Optionally, you can change the time of the round and the number of words to win.

Let’s go!

Download Alias 2.9 APK

Alias 2.9
Cena: Free
Súčasná Verzia: 2.9
Inštalovať: 5,000+
Priemer: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Požiadavky: Android 4.0.3+
Hodnotenie Obsahu: Everyone
Názov Balíka: byzlystudio.alias

What's New in Alias 2.9

    Vocabularies have been corrected.