Impossible Run

Impossible Run

Zamana karşı yarış! Yapabilir misin?

Would you want to test your skill? This game is just right for you!

Obstacles that hard to pass, race against time and many more difficulties in the road. So here some warning for you:

You are going to die. A lot!

-2D Platformer.
-Indie game.
-Short as hard
-Hard as fun!

Come on then, what are you waiting for?

Download Impossible Run 3.0.0 APK

Impossible Run 3.0.0
Fiyat: Free
Mevcut Sürüm: 3.0.0
Yükler: 100
Derecelendirme Ortalaması: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Gereksinim: Android 4.4+
Içerik Derecelendirmesi: Everyone
Paket Adı: com.HazarBelge.ImkansizKosu

What's New in Impossible-Run 3.0.0

    Language support.
    New obstacles.
    Gift Seconds

    Try hard to beat the game. Because it's impossible!