Phil's Farkle Scorekeeper

Phil's Farkle Scorekeeper

Bir veya daha fazla oyuncu için Farkle (10.000, sıcak zar, açgözlülük) skorlarını saklayın

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Keep score for just yourself or for all the players in Phil's Farkle Scorekeeper !
This scorekeeper is different from others. You get to choose how you use it.

* Slide the dice tray up from the bottom if you want traditional single-click buttons *

This app will do everything but roll the dice for you. You don't even have to remember how many points to apply, it will calculate it for you!

Let's say somebody sets aside four 3's and a 1. You can either tap the 3 die four times and the 1 die once, OR you can just click the "four of a kind" button and the 1.

Set aside three 5's? Tap the 5 three times, or click "three of a kind" and then the 5.

You get the idea.

Enter as many player names as you want!
Farkle game rules are included!

If you like it, please show your support. If not, please email me and tell me what I can do to improve it.

Download Phil's Farkle Scorekeeper 2.sweet APK

Phil's Farkle Scorekeeper 2.sweet
Fiyat: Free
Mevcut Sürüm: 2.sweet
Yükler: 1,000+
Derecelendirme Ortalaması: aggregate Rating (4.5 out of 5)
Derecelendirme Kullanıcıları: 11
Gereksinim: Android 6.0+
Içerik Derecelendirmesi: Everyone
Paket Adı: com.bdj.philsfarklescorekeeper