Modern Sniper 3d Assassin

Modern Sniper 3d Assassin


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Download Modern Sniper 3d Assassin 3.0.2f12 APK

Modern Sniper 3d Assassin 3.0.2f12
價格: Free
當前版本: 3.0.2f12
安裝: 1,000,000+
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.4 out of 5)
評級用戶: 14,557
要求: Android 4.4+
內容等級: Teen

What's New in Modern-Sniper-3d-Assassin 3.0.2f12

    Thanks, dear users of your support. With your support, suggestion, and appreciation Modern Sniper Assassin is now one of the best sniper shooting games in 2020.
    Latest Feature new Feature!
    Added New story mode with 20 level
    Better User Experience, Minor bugs fixed
    Better and more Smooth Sensitivity Control
    Highly Addictive 40 Mission base levels
    Nongamer can skip the level to enjoy and experience the next levels.

    Keep Playing Modern Sniper Assassin 3d. Take Care. Have a nice day.