Punch Boxing Game: Ninja Fight
Become the king of boxing ring! Most intense boxing fight online game
打孔拳擊遊戲將為您提供世界拳擊手質量戰鬥的體驗。拳擊遊戲專為來自世界各地的空手道和跆拳道愛好者而設計。它為粉絲提供了腎上腺素泵的拳擊世界和在這些離線遊戲中的所有刺激。使用屏幕上的觸摸手勢,您的敏捷性和技術將使您成為每項動作的出色冠軍,以獲得不同的打擊。高級動畫和令人驚嘆的3D圖形將真正的空手道打孔體驗帶到您的手中。{#} {#}讓我們進入空手道脫機打孔遊戲的世界!隨時隨地玩。 {#} {#}面對硬拳拳擊超級巨星對手:{#}您的專家足以控制這些真正的打孔拳擊遊戲中的世界空手道冠軍嗎?然後加入競爭對手的戰鬥,作為刺客拳打戰鬥機,對抗來自曼谷,泰國,中國,日本和新加坡的30名擊骨頭戰鬥機的腳趾。進入日本忍者的世界,並克服您的所有競爭對手,死亡或活著。玩不同的打孔遊戲玩家,並使用不同的風格,包括跆拳道,泰拳,功夫,跆拳道等。與有史以來最具挑戰性的離線格鬥遊戲。擊敗所有標籤團隊的拳擊競爭對手,並成為打孔遊戲的普遍英雄。{#} {#} {#} {#}策略成為終極的世界打孔戰鬥機:{#}拳打拳擊超級巨星職業挑戰將促使您帶來風險的命中。使用快速打孔反射和特殊動作,釋放猛烈的打孔和連擊,使戳刺,鉤子和上尖,並成為空手道國王。讓我們嘗試最終的動作拳擊遊戲和成為頂級拳擊手的最佳離線格鬥遊戲。測試新的驚人技術,例如空手道踢和拳,甚至是體操躲避和跳躍的戰鬥。控制,拳打,踢,翻轉踢和戰鬥與所有拳打戰士巧妙地擊敗,並在這場真正的戰鬥中擊敗他們。密切注意與您暴力的競爭對手的每一步。敏捷對於贏得面對面的跆拳道戰士和功夫空手道戰鬥機至關重要。{#} {#} {#} {#}與世界跆拳道空手道冠軍作戰:{#}成為地球上最強大的空手道戰鬥機遊戲並掌握您的技能。探索為您的生命生存而戰的不同地點。用功夫打架和打孔拳擊風格證明您的價值是強大的打孔器。擊敗對手並證明自己是功夫大師的力量。{#} {#}如何擊敗對手拳擊手?{#}在世界戒指格鬥遊戲中,對手已經準備好拳頭和功夫的空手道戰鬥表演。跆拳道和空手道愛好者將享受跆拳道遊戲體驗。 playing punch boxing games and learning how to fight face to face and block the enemys hard kicks and punches is also essential to ninja martial art life.
world punch boxing game: kickboxing features:
{ #} authentic actions and realistic karate punching moves
world boxers in offline boxing games
choose and customize your warrior in pro punch boxing styles
face different punching rivals with different techniques
play against the strongest fighters to become champion
ultimate action-packed world boxers fighting game
survive in punch boxing games and karate to unlock the next levels
play the amazing offline punch boxing fighting games anytime, anywhere
3d animations and realistic sound品質
world punch boxing game: kickboxing features:
{ #} authentic actions and realistic karate punching moves
world boxers in offline boxing games
choose and customize your warrior in pro punch boxing styles
face different punching rivals with different techniques
play against the strongest fighters to become champion
ultimate action-packed world boxers fighting game
survive in punch boxing games and karate to unlock the next levels
play the amazing offline punch boxing fighting games anytime, anywhere
3d animations and realistic sound品質
Download Punch Boxing Game: Ninja Fight 3.4.1 APK
當前版本: 3.4.1
安裝: 10000000
(4.2 out of 5)

Android 5.0+
內容等級: Everyone 10+
軟件包名稱: com.fa.real.punch.boxing.warrior
What's New in Punch-Boxing-Game-Ninja-Fight 3.4.1
Ninja Punch Boxing: Kung Fu Karate Fighting Game Features:
• Authentic Actions And Realistic Punch Boxing Moves
• Ultimate Action Packed World Punch Boxers Fighting Game
• World Punch Boxers In Karate Kung Fu Fighting Game
• Face Different Rivals With Different Fighting Techniques
• Choose And Customize Your Own Ninja Warrior In Punch Boxing Styles
• Fight Against Strongest Fighters To Become Ninja Punch Boxing Champion