Earn and Drive Zombie Racing

Earn and Drive Zombie Racing

cīnieties ar zombijiem ar savu bruņoto automašīnu

pasaules gals ir pienācis, visi mirušie staigā, un tikai tas var viņus apturēt. Jūs ar savu bruņoto automašīnu un ieročiem

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Download Earn and Drive Zombie Racing 5.5 APK

Earn and Drive Zombie Racing 5.5
Cena: Free
Pašreizējā Versija: 5.5
Instalācijas: 10000
Vidējais Vērtējums: aggregate Rating (3.3 out of 5)
Vērtēšanas Lietotāji: 133
Prasības: Android 7.0+
Satura Vērtējums: Everyone 10+
Iesaiņojuma Nosaukums: com.brayooteck.apocalypse

What's New in Earn-and-Drive-Zombie-Racing 5.5

    -new Added Daily Rewards
    - a whole new updated version even more fun
    -fix end level freeze
    -more car stability
    -more zombies
    -more cars
    -fixing controllers
    -fixing joystick and menu
    -fixing shop prices
    -fixing resume button
    -fixing shop scroll
    -fixing score count
    -fixing zombie health
    -fixing car stability
    -fixing shop scene
    -improving graphics
    -improving animations
    -more effects
    -more sounds
    -fixing bugs and increase stability
    -fixing firescreen issue