Asteroid Attack

Asteroid Attack


小行星前往地球!但是,幸運的是,科學家找到了一種在月球幫助下阻止他們的方法。現在,他們發送給您控制它並破壞迎面而來的威脅。{#} {#}您可以處理它嗎?向自己和人類證明您明天將生活!{#} {#}如果您準備好了,請拿到電話,抓住控件並保存我們!但是不用擔心!你會變得更強壯!隨著籌集的資金,您將能夠升級月球和地球,然後走得更遠!{#} {#}只需在屏幕上向左或向右觸摸即可。它很容易,是嗎?{#}如果遊戲結束,您也有時間使您的錢翻倍。有了這筆錢,您將能夠購買新的皮膚和各種更新以幫助您!超越您的朋友,並證明誰是最好的!

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Download Asteroid Attack 3.0.1 APK

Asteroid Attack 3.0.1
價格: Free
當前版本: 3.0.1
安裝: 1,000+
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
要求: Android 4.1+
內容等級: Everyone
包裹名字: bg.veselie.asteroidattack

What's New in Asteroid-Attack 3.0.1

    Version 3.0 is here! What to expect:
    • All fattal errors and bugs, that we knows from older versions, are fixed!
    • Settings sliders now support a long pressing, from one of the sides.
    • Rewrite hole card buttons .
    • The translates are not part of the game code. In 3.0, they are in language files (.lng).
    • The popups are rewrited too, so they are more animated, now!
    There are many more news, that we can't remember right now, but we are sure, you will find all of them :)