Artillery & War: Vojne Igre

Artillery & War: Vojne Igre

Topniške igre: topniške in vojne igre. Bodite junak v strelskih igrah.

Topniške igre: Potopite se v vzdušje druge svetovne vojne z topništvom in tanki v teh topniških igrah, vrhunskem simulatorju topništva in vojnih iger. Podoživite, kako je biti v boju z velikim orožjem in bojnimi stroji proti tankom med drugo svetovno vojno in pridobite neprecenljive vojne izkušnje. Pripravite se, da postanete pravi junak v tem akcijskem simulatorju in vojni igri, navdihnjeni z drugo svetovno vojno!

Vključite se v strateško razmišljanje in natančno pozicioniranje za razliko od katerega koli drugega simulatorja, strelca ali strelske igre. Branite svojo artilerijo pred neusmiljenimi valovi sovražnih tankov, motornih koles, oklepnih vozil, bojnih vozil pehote in samohodnih pušk, vključno z legendarnim tankom iz vojske Wehrmachta. Vaše strokovno znanje pri zagotavljanju ognjene podpore bo ključnega pomena v tej intenzivni vojni in bitki v strelskih igrah. Pokažite, kaj pomeni imeti pravi pogum v vojni in v tem zgodovinskem trenutku ter svetovni vojni.

Igre simulatorja topništva

V teh vojnih igrah in igrah brez povezave se branite pred neusmiljenimi sovražnimi tankovskimi napadi, oblikujte potek vojne in ustvarite lastno junaško zapuščino. Nadgradite s klasičnih topov na napredno artilerijo, ko se bliskovito prebijete skozi vse ovire na svoji poti v strelskih igrah.

Doživite naraščajočo moč svojih sovražnikov, ko napredujete skozi strelske igre. Odklenite in raziščite vrsto nove opreme, ko dokončate ravni v teh ostrostrelskih in topniških igrah. Izboljšajte svoj arzenal s priznanim orožjem v teh igrah tankov in strelskih igrah.

Uporabite taktično natančnost, da onemogočite sovražnikove vojne stroje z uporabo naprednega sistema poškodb. Dokončajte dnevne naloge, da še izboljšate svoje ostrostrelske in strelske sposobnosti v tem simulatorju in igrah brez povezave.

Če iščete vznemirljive in poglobljene topniške igre, ne iščite dlje od tega topniškega simulatorja in strelske igre. Pripravite se na edinstveno bojno pustolovščino in ostrostrelske igre, ki oživijo vojne podvige kot še nikoli prej!

Experience the exciting warfare and tank games

Take part in a historical artillery shooter and experience the power of firing cannons in shooter games. Are you ready to experience the power and might of combat of World War II? Step into the shoes of the soldiers who fought in some of the world's most pivotal battles with our offline and sniper 3d battle game. Feel the adrenaline as you shoot cannons and witness firsthand the destruction your shooting causes. Experience the noise of the battlefield and war machines! Get ready to become a true hero as you engage in world of artillery!

Become a gun shooter

Help the allied military by providing fire support in this WW1 and offline game. Destroy enemy in tank battles in these bombing games and this war simulator like tank stars. The sound of enemy tanks approaching in this tank simulator and soldier game sends shivers down your spine, but you have a crucial role in this warfare. Your cannon holds the power to destroy those tanks from WW1 and protect the allied troops on the battlefield in shooter games. One blast after another, you are determined to defend your position and help your fellow soldiers in this war game. Every shot counts in this simulator and offline games. This kind of courage defines a hero in a war game, and you are proud to be a part of this historic moment and artillery simulator games.

Feel like a sniper

Take command of your gun and fight against enemies with strategic planning and use of tactics in tank games. Are you ready to step up and become an artilleryman in WW2 and artillery games? It's time to become a pro shooter of artillery and smash enemies with your gun in sniper 3d offline games and gun games. Are you ready for artillery simulator games and sniper games, are you ready for world war and warfare?. Break into the gun game and prove that you’re a true hero and a true fan of fierce war games!

Download Artillery & War: Vojne Igre 2.1 (279) APK

Artillery & War: Vojne Igre 2.1 (279)
Price: Free
Current Version: 2.1 (279)
Installs: 1000000
Rating average: aggregate Rating (3.7 out of 5)
Rating users: 16,181
Requirements: Android 4.4+
Content Rating: Everyone 10+
Package name: com.Fren2y.OneWarrior2