Ant Smasher

Ant Smasher


1.5億下載! {#} {#} ***引入新的螞蟻粉碎機:遊戲已完全重新設計以改善體驗和樂趣!立即下載它,讓我們知道您是否喜歡它在Play商店的評論部分! :) *** {#} {#}體驗此殺手蟲的入侵!最佳酷有趣遊戲中的這款出色的遊戲中,用手指砸碎了螞蟻和蟲子!它令人上癮! {#} {#}對於男孩,女孩和大人來說,即使您的寵物也會喜歡螞蟻粉碎機! {#} {#}特徵:{#} {#}幾個螞蟻和其他臭蟲砸碎 - 甚至巨型螞蟻(如果可以找到它們)!{#}不要砸碎蜜蜂 - 如果您看到蜜蜂飛過螞蟻, ,不惜一切代價避免它!{#}簡單模式- 使年輕玩家更容易遊戲,並刪除遊戲中的所有廣告! {#}高得分排名,因此您可以向您的朋友展示。{#}一個免費的應用程序,男人和女人!{#}有趣而休閒遊戲 - 完美的消遣。{#} {#}請繼續關注對於我們的其他遊戲,請訪問我們:{#} {#} {#}享受ant smasher,免費! /html/privacy-policy.html {#} {} {} support {# } {#contact {#} {# {#} {#}

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Download Ant Smasher 9.83 APK

Ant Smasher 9.83
價格: Free
當前版本: 9.83
安裝: 100,000,000+
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.1 out of 5)
評級用戶: 1,206,330
要求: Android 4.4+
內容等級: Everyone
軟件包名稱: com.bestcoolfungames.antsmasher

What's New in Ant-Smasher 9.83

    Dear users, thank you for downloading!

    It has come to our attention that due to an error on our end a couple of purchases such as the ad-free version weren't functioning correctly.

    We are very sorry to those affected by this issue and would like to inform that this version should have corrected this issue. Please download the latest version and restore your purchase to be able to enjoy our latest update!

    Lastest changes/features:

    - A new mode: SLOW!

    We hope you enjoy our games!