Portals: Escape The Infinity

Portals: Escape The Infinity

I-adventure ye-puzzle eyeqile: ubalekele emazingeni angama-50 ngokuqhekeza izimfumbe zezibalo!

Uma uthanda igumbi lokuphunyuka noma imidlalo ye-puzzle, uzokujabulela le mnyango yokuphunyuka emnyango! Beka ubuchopho bakho ukuze usebenze ukuze uqedele wonke amazinga angama-50 futhi ubalekele ama-portals! Kufanele usebenzise ngalinye lama-portals angama-50 bese uthuthuka ezingeni eliphansi elilandelayo le-poly nge-teletransportation. {# # #}
Ungabe usalinda isikhathi eside, nikeza leli phuzu elihle bese uqhafaza iphazili ye-puzzle brain brain azama futhi udlale wonke umdlalo wamahhala we-MAHHALA namuhla! Ngesitayela esiphansi esiphansi se-poly kanye nomklamo ohlanzekile. Ukuphunyuka kwe-Gameplay
Ukuxhumana nezinkinobho, amabhokisi, amasondo kanye nama-bevers kuleli phuzu bese uqhafaza i-adventure futhi uthole inkululeko yakho. Uzodinga ukuthola umbono futhi.
Ungasusa zonke izikhangiso futhi uxhase ukuthuthukiswa kwalo mdlalo ophansi ophansi ngokuthenga okukodwa futhi okushibhile ngaphakathi nohlelo.
Chofoza inkinobho ye-Bulb ukuthola umbono obonakalayo ozokusiza Rarulula i-Enigma yakho ibambeke kuye.

Ngena ukuxhumana
Ukuthola ubunzima ekuxazululeni imidlalo ye-puzzle noma ube nemibono yokuthuthukisa le tea
Thintana namapulatifomu ami ezokuxhumana noma iwebhusayithi yokusekelwa kanye nempendulo.

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{# #} {# #} Thola okuningi ku-https kanye ne-Instagram

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Download Portals: Escape The Infinity 1.13 APK

Portals: Escape The Infinity 1.13
Price: Free
Current Version: 1.13
Installs: 1000
Rating average: aggregate Rating (3.6 out of 5)
Rating users: 60
Requirements: Android
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.xsgames.portalsescapetheinfinity

What's New in Portals-Escape-The-Infinity 1.13

    Thanks for playing Portals, your support is awesome! I just squashed some minor bugs here and there