

Apgūsti šahu ar Chessity! Jautra, saistoša mācīšanās visiem līmeņiem.

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Download Chessity 3.0.13 APK

Chessity 3.0.13
Cena: Free
Pašreizējā Versija: 3.0.13
Instalācijas: 1000
Vidējais Vērtējums: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Prasības: Android
Satura Vērtējums: Everyone
Iesaiņojuma Nosaukums:

What's New in Chessity 3.0.13

    Introducing Bronze Levels!

    In addition to White and Black, you can now do Bronze levels! In the next months, every three weeks, a new Bronze level unlocks, bringing you fresh lessons on strategy, combinations, endgame techniques, and more. Enjoy the journey and have fun mastering new skills!