Chop! Chop! Adventure

Chop! Chop! Adventure

Porazi neprijatelje jednim prstom, okupi saveznike i dokono jačaj!

★Jednostavne kontrole!★
- Porazite sve neprijatelje na ekranu samo jednim prstom!

★Moćni saveznici!★
- Okupite razne saveznike i povedite ih u bitku!

★Idle Growth!★
- Jednom kada postanete jači, više kontrole nisu potrebne!

Download Chop! Chop! Adventure APK

Chop! Chop! Adventure
Cijena: Free
Trenutna Verzija: Varies with device
Instalacija: 50
Prosjek Ocjene: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Zahtjevi: Android
Ocjena Sadržaja: Everyone
Naziv Paketa: com.xironggames.boron

What's New in Chop-Chop-Adventure

    Chop! Chop! Adventure

    ★Simple Controls!★
    - Defeat all enemies on the screen with just one finger!

    ★Powerful Allies!★
    - Gather a variety of allies and lead them into battle!

    ★Idle Growth!★
    - Once you become stronger, no more controls are needed!