The Abandoned House

The Abandoned House


扮演幽靈,進入令人毛骨悚然的 3D 恐怖體驗!

👻 扮演幽靈:利用你的能力與環境互動。
👧 保護NPC女孩:引導NPC女孩到出口,同時確保她免受危險。
🧟 避開怪物:小心在房子裡遊蕩的敵對怪物。
🧩 解謎:解決謎題並找到隱藏的物體以取得進展。

Download The Abandoned House 6.4 APK

The Abandoned House 6.4
價格: Free
當前版本: 6.4
安裝: 100
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
要求: Android
內容等級: Teen
軟件包名稱: com.mgaming.theabandonedhouse

What's New in The-Abandoned-House 6.4

    - Fixed an issue where Monster was just standing in basement in Solo Gamemode
    - Fixed an issue where Player would rotate on both x-axis and z-axis after second cutscene making everything appear tilted in Duo Gamemode