

Avasta džungli saladused!

Avastage džungli saladused, kui asute julgele seiklusele läbi selle kaardistamata sügavuste. Olge vapralt silmitsi elementide vastu ägedate kiskjatega ja lahendage iidseid mõistatusi, et lahti harutada selle eksootilise paradiisi saladused, mille igal sammul varitsevad ohud. esile kerkida ülima džungli seiklejana?

Download Empertide 8 APK

Empertide 8
Price: Free
Current Version: 8
Installs: 100
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android
Content Rating: Teen
Package name: starzero.redfinitygames.com

What's New in Empertide 8

    - Chocobot Music and Empertide collab
    -Special levels with Chocobot's music
    -Special limited time concert level
    -New theme, new radio music, some new UI designs
    -EVENTS has been moved. Now in CHAPTERS tab
    -You can close the NEW MODE in LEVELS and return to basic
    -Bugs fixed and more
    -Oh and also, the Turkish language doesn't work this update.